LEADTOOLS Color Conversion (Leadtools.ColorConversion assembly)

IccHeader Structure Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IccHeader.

Public Constructors
IccHeader ConstructorInitializes a new IccHeader with explicit parameters.  
Public Properties
AttributesGets or sets the media attribute.  
CmmIDGets or sets the CMM for the profile.  
ColorSpaceGets or sets the colorspace used for the ICC profile.  
CreatorGets or sets the creator of the ICC profile.  
DateTimeGets or sets the date and time of creation of the ICC profile.  
DeviceClassGets or sets the device class of the ICC profile.  
EmptyGets an new empty structure.  
FlagsGets or sets the ICC profile flags.  
IlluminantGets or sets the illuminant used for the PCS.  
ManufacturerGets or sets the device manufacturer.  
ModelGets or sets the device model.  
PcsGets or sets the PCS colorspace.  
PlatformGets or sets the primary platform for which the ICC profile was created.  
ProfileIdGets or sets the profile id.  
ProfileSignatureGets or sets the profile signature.  
RenderingIntentGets or sets the rendering intent.  
ReservedGets or sets the reserved bytes.  
SizeGets or sets the size of the ICC Profile.  
VersionGets or sets the version of the ICC profile.  
Public Methods
ToStringOverridden. Returns a meaningful name for this method.  
See Also


IccHeader Structure
Leadtools.ColorConversion Namespace



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