LEADTOOLS Color Conversion (Leadtools.ColorConversion assembly)

IccProfileExtended Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IccProfileExtended.

Public Constructors
IccProfileExtended ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
DataGets or sets the complete ICC profile block of data.  
HeaderGets or sets the ICC profile header.  
TagDataGets or sets the tag's data.  
TagListGets or sets the ICC profile tag list.  
Public Methods
AddTagAdds a new tag to the ICC profile.  
DeleteTagDeletes an existing tag from the ICC profile and returns it to the user.  
GenerateIccFileGenerates an ICC profile.  
GenerateProfileIdGenerates the profile ID. Call this function right before calling GenerateIccFile.  
GetTagGets an existing tag from the ICC profile.  
GetTagTypeSignatureGets the tag type signature of the tag with the given tag signature.  
ImageHasIccProfileOverloaded. Determines whether a file has an embedded ICC profile.  
ReadFromImageOverloaded. Loads an embedded ICC profile from a file.  
ToStringOverridden. Returns a meaningful name for this method.  
UpdateDataArrayUpdates the Data array to reflect the latest changes.  
WriteToImageOverloaded. Embeds an ICC profile to a file.  
See Also


IccProfileExtended Class
Leadtools.ColorConversion Namespace
IccTagTypeBase Class
IccCurveTagType Class
IccDateTimeTagType Class
IccDataTagType Class
IccLookupTable16TagType Class
IccLookupTable8TagType Class
IccMeasurementTagType Class
IccNamedColor2TagType Class
IccParametricCurveTagType Class
IccResponseCurveSet16TagType Class
IccViewingConditionsTagType Class
IccChromaticityTagType Class
IccColorantTableTagType Class
IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType Class
IccColorantOrderTagType Class
IccLookupTableAToBTagType Class
IccLookupTableBToATagType Class
IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType Class
IccS15Fixed16ArrayTagType Class
IccSignatureTagType Class
IccTextTagType Class
IccU16Fixed16ArrayTagType Class
IccUint16ArrayTagType Class
IccUint32ArrayTagType Class
IccUint64ArrayTagType Class
IccUint8ArrayTagType Class
IccUnknownTagType Class
IccXyzTagType Class
IccTools Class



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