
ModalityWorklistResult Class Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by ModalityWorklistResult.

Public Constructors
ModalityWorklistResult ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ModalityWorklistResult class.  
Public Properties
AccessionNumberGets or sets the accession number.  
AdditionalPatientHistoryGets or sets the additional patient history.  
AdmissionIdGets or sets the admission id.  
ConfidentialityContstraintGets or sets the confidentiality constraint.  
ContrastAllergiesGets or sets the contrast allergies.  
CurrentPatientLocationGets or sets the current patient location.  
EthnicGroupGets or sets the ethnic group.  
ImagingServiceRequestCommentsGets or sets the imaging service request comments.  
MedicalAlertsGets or sets the medical alerts.  
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsGets or sets the names of intended recipients.  
OtherPatientIdsGets or sets the other patient ids.  
PatientBirthDateGets or sets the patient birth date.  
PatientCommentsGets or sets the patient comments.  
PatientIdGets or sets the patient id.  
PatientNameGets or sets the name of the patient.  
PatientSexGets or sets the patient sex.  
PatientStateGets or sets the state of the patient.  
PatientWeightGets or sets the patient weight.  
PregnancyStatusGets or sets the pregnancy status.  
ReferencedPatientSequenceGets or sets the referenced patient sequence.  
ReferencedStudySequenceGets or sets the referenced study sequence.  
ReferringPysicianGets or sets the referring physician name.  
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceGets or sets the requested procedure code sequence.  
RequestedProcedureDescriptionGets or sets the requested procedure description.  
RequestedProcedureIdGets or sets the requested procedure id.  
RequestingPhysicianGets or sets the requesting physician.  
RequestingServiceGets or sets the requesting service.  
ScheduledProcedureStepSequenceGets or sets the scheduled procedure step sequence.  
SpecialNeedsGets or sets the special needs.  
StudyInstanceUidGets or sets the study instance uid.  
TagGets or sets the object that contains data about the class.  
See Also


ModalityWorklistResult Class
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes.Modality Namespace



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Leadtools.Dicom.Common requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features