
LoadXmlBeforeElementData Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by LoadXmlBeforeElementData.

Public Constructors
LoadXmlBeforeElementData ConstructorInitializes a new instance of LoadXmlBeforeElementData.  
Public Properties
AttributesGets a value that contains a dictionary of string pairs that correspond to each attribute in the xml input file.  
ElementNameGets a value that is the name of the element as it appears in the input xml file.  
ElementValueGets a value that indicates the string value of the xml element being read.  
EncodingGets a value that indicates the encoding of the xml element data.  
HasChildElementsGets a value indicating if this element has children.  
TagGets a value that contains the tag of the DICOM element that is about to be added to the DicomDataSet.  
VrGets a value representation of the DICOM element that is about to be added to the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet.  
Public Methods
ResetResets all members of the class to default values, and empties the attributes dictionary.  
See Also


LoadXmlBeforeElementData Class
Leadtools.Dicom.Common.Extensions Namespace
LoadXml(DicomDataSet,String,DicomDataSetLoadXmlFlags,LoadXmlBeforeElementCallback,LoadXmlAfterElementCallback) Method
LoadXml(DicomDataSet,Stream,DicomDataSetLoadXmlFlags,LoadXmlBeforeElementCallback,LoadXmlAfterElementCallback) Method
LoadXml(DicomDataSet,String,DicomDataSetLoadXmlFlags) Method
LoadXml(DicomDataSet,Stream,DicomDataSetLoadXmlFlags) Method
SaveXml(DicomDataSet,String,DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags,SaveXmlCallback) Method
SaveXml(DicomDataSet,Stream,DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags,SaveXmlCallback) Method
SaveXml(DicomDataSet,String,DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags) Method
SaveXml(DicomDataSet,Stream,DicomDataSetSaveXmlFlags) Method
SaveXmlCallback Delegate
LoadXmlBeforeElementCallback Delegate
LoadXmlAfterElementCallback Delegate



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