| Name | Description |
| AnnotationPointCount | Gets or sets the value of the attribute "Number of Graphic Points" (0070,0021) in the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209). |
| CompoundGraphicInstanceId | Overridden. Gets or sets the value of the "Compound Graphic Instance ID" element (0070,0226) under one of the items under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| DiameterOfVisibility | Gets or sets the value of the "Diameter of Visibility" element (0070,0262) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| Filled | Gets or sets the value of the "Graphic Filled" element (0070,0024) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| FillStyle | Gets or sets a value that represents the single item that is presented in the "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233). |
| GapLength | Gets or sets the value of the "Gap Length" element (0070,0261) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| GraphicGroupId | Overridden. Gets or sets the value of the "Graphic Group ID" element (0070,0295) under one of the items under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| IsValidCompoundGraphicInstanceId | Overridden. Gets a value indicating whether the "Compound Graphic Instance ID" (0070,0226) element is present in the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| IsValidGraphicGroupId | Overridden. Gets a value indicating whether the "Graphic Group ID" (0070,0295) element is present in the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| LayerName | Overridden. Gets or sets the "Graphic Layer" (0070,0002) attribute value in the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001). |
| LineStyle | Gets or sets a value that represents the single item that is presented in the "Line Style Sequence" (0070,0232). |
| MajorTickCount | Gets a value representing the number of items in the "Major Ticks Sequence" (0070,0287) in the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209). |
| MajorTicks | Gets or sets the value of the "Major Ticks Sequence" element (0070,0287) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| MajorTicks_WinRt | Gets or sets the value of the "Major Ticks Sequence" element (0070,0287) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| Options | Overridden. Flags that indicate whether to write optional tags or sequences when writing a DicomCompoundGraphic, or if optional tags or sequences are present when reading a DicomCompoundGraphic. |
| RotationAngle | Gets or sets the value of the "Rotation Angle" element (0070,0230) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| RotationPoint | Gets or sets the value of the "Rotation Point" element (0070,0273) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| ShowTickLabel | Gets or sets the value of the "Show Tick Label" element (0070,0278) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| TextStyle | Gets or sets a value that represents the single item that is presented in the "Text Style Sequence" (0070,0231). |
| TickAlignment | Gets or sets the value of the "Tick Alignment" element (0070,0274) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| TickLabelAlignment | Gets or sets the value of the "Tick Label Alignment" element (0070,0279) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |
| Type | Gets or sets the value of the attribute "Compound Graphic Type" (0070,0294) in the "Compound Graphic Module". |
| Units | Gets or sets the value of the "Compound Graphic Units" element (0070,0282) under one of the items under the "Compound Graphic Sequence" (0070,0209) in the "Graphic Annotation Module". |