LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Automation)

AnnAutomationObject Object

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The following tables list the members exposed by AnnAutomationObject.

Public Constructors
AnnAutomationObject ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the AnnAutomationObject class.  
Public Properties
ContextMenuGets or sets the context menu associated with this AnnAutomationObject  
DrawCursorGets or sets the mouse cursor used when drawing new objects of this AnnAutomationObject  
DrawDesignerTypeGets or sets the type of the draw designer of this AnnAutomationObject.  
EditDesignerTypeGets or sets the type of the edit designer of this AnnAutomationObject.  
GroupNameGets or sets the group name for this automation object  
IdGets or sets the id of this AnnAutomationObject.  
LabelTemplateGets or sets the template used when creating labels for this AnnAutomationObject  
NameGets or sets the name of this AnnAutomationObject.  
NextNumberGets or sets the next number used when creating labels for this AnnAutomationObject  
ObjectTemplateGets or sets the initial annotation object template of this AnnAutomationObject.  
RendererGets the annotation object renderer for this AnnAutomationObject.  
RunDesignerTypeGets or sets the type of the run designer of this AnnAutomationObject.  
ToolBarImageGets or sets the toolbar image associated with this AnnAutomationObject  
ToolBarToolTipTextGets or sets the tooltip text associated with this AnnAutomationObject.  
UserDataGets or sets the user-defined data for this AnnAutomationObject.  
UseRotateThumbsEnables or disables the use of rotate thumbs of this AnnAutomationObject.  
See Also


AnnAutomationObject Object
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace



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