LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Automation)

UndoRedoChanged Event

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Occurs when the undo or redo buffer changes.
add_undoRedoChanged(function(sender, e))
undoRedoChanged.add(function(sender, e))
remove_undoRedoChanged(function(sender, e))
undoRedoChanged.remove(function(sender, e))

This event will be fired when the undo/redo buffer changes. This gives the application a chance to update the user interface if necessary

The undo/redo buffer changes whenever an object inside the Container changes either programmatically or by user interaction through the user interface.

You can use the CanUndo and CanRedo property to determine whether this AnnAutomation can undo or redo an operation.

For information on undoing or redoing automation operations, refer to Undoing Annotation Automation Operations.

Event Data
Parameter Type Description
sender 'var' The source of the event.
e LeadEventArgs The event data.
See Also


AnnAutomation Object
AnnAutomation Members



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