LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)

AnnContainer Object

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnContainer.

Public Constructors
AnnContainer ConstructorInitializes a new AnnContainer with default settings.  
Public Properties
ActiveLayerGets or sets the active layer in this container.  
ChildrenGets the collection of AnnObjects in this AnnContainer.  
FillGets or sets the object to use when filling the interior of this AnnContainer.  
HitTestBehaviorGets or sets a value that determine how objects are hit-tested through a selection rectangle.  
HitTestBufferGets or sets the threshold buffer value for hit testing.  
IsEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the object is enabled.  
IsVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the object is visible.  
LabelsGets the collection of labels to render on top of this AnnContainer.  
LayersGets the collection of AnnLayers in this AnnContainer.  
MapperGets or sets the mapper for this AnnContainer.  
OffsetGets or sets the offset of this AnnContainer.  
PageNumberGets or sets the page number associated with this AnnContainer.  
ResourcesGets or sets the annotations resources used by this container.  
SelectionObjectGets or sets the selection object used by this AnnContainer.  
SizeGets or sets the size of this AnnContainer.  
StateIdGets or sets the optional state ID of this container to be used with state rendering engines.  
StrokeGets or sets the object to use when drawing the border of this AnnContainer.  
UserDataGets or sets a user-defined value associated with this container  
UserModeGets or sets the user mode.  
Public Methods
CloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnContainer object.  
CreateCreates a new AnnContainer with the specified offset, size and mapper.  
HitTestPointPerforms hit-testing on this AnnContainer at the specified point.  
HitTestRectPerforms hit-testing on this AnnContainer at the specified rectangle.  
ResizeResizes this container to the speccified size using the specified options.  
SelectFor internal use.  
UnselectFor internal use.  
Public Events
ObjectAddedOccurs when an object is added to the AnnContainer. AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs  
ObjectRemovedOccurs when an object is removed from the AnnContainer. AnnObjectCollectionEventArgs  
ObjectsPropertyChangedOccurs when any property of any AnnObject in this container changes. AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs  
See Also


AnnContainer Object
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace
Implementing LEADTOOLS Annotations



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