LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)

AnnContainerMapper Object

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnContainerMapper.

Public Constructors
AnnContainerMapper ConstructorCreates a new mapper with the specified DPI values.  
Public Properties
CalibrationScaleGets the current calibration scale value.  
DeviceDpiXGets or sets the horizontal device resolution (DPI).  
DeviceDpiYGets or sets the vertical device resolution (DPI).  
FontRelativeToDeviceGets or sets a value that indicate whether font size is relative to the device (screen).  
OffsetGets or sets the offset of this AnnContainerMapper.  
SourceDpiXGets the horizontal source (screen) resolution (DPI).  
SourceDpiYGets the vertical source (screen) resolution (DPI).  
TargetDpiXGets the horizontal target (image) resolution (DPI).  
TargetDpiYGets the vertical target (image) resolution (DPI).  
TransformGets the current transform.  
Public Methods
CalibrateSets the ruler calibration scale.  
CloneCreates an exact copy of this AnnContainerMapper  
CreateDefaultCreates a default mapper.  
FontFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a font from container coordinates.  
FontToContainerCoordinatesConverts a font to container coordinates.  
LengthFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a length from container coordinates.  
LengthToContainerCoordinatesConverts a length to container coordinates.  
MapResolutionsUpdate this mapper with the specified DPI values.  
PointFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a point from container coordinates.  
PointsFromContainerCoordinatesConverts an array of points from container coordinates.  
PointsToContainerCoordinatesConvert an array of points to container coordinates.  
PointToContainerCoordinatesConverts a point to container coordinates.  
RectFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a rectangle from container coordinates.  
RectToContainerCoordinatesConverts a rectangle to container coordinates.  
SizeFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a size from container coordinates.  
SizeToContainerCoordinatesConverts a size to container coordinates.  
StrokeFromContainerCoordinatesConverts a stroke to container coordinates.  
UpdateTransformUpdates the transformation matrix used by this mapper.  
See Also


AnnContainerMapper Object
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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