LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)

Render Method (AnnRenderingEngine)

Show in webframe
The destination clip rectangle Leadtools.LeadRectD in container coordinates. The engine will only render into this area. Pass LeadRectD.Empty to not use a clip rectangle.
true to clear the destination context before rendering; otherwise, false.
Renders the AnnContainer associated with this AnnRenderingEngine using the specified clip rectangle.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.render( 
   clipRect ,


clipRectLeadRectDThe destination clip rectangle Leadtools.LeadRectD in container coordinates. The engine will only render into this area. Pass LeadRectD.Empty to not use a clip rectangle.
clearbooltrue to clear the destination context before rendering; otherwise, false.

This method uses the mapper in Container to calculate the destination rectangle and any other transform to be applied.

See Also


AnnRenderingEngine Object
AnnRenderingEngine Members



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