LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)

RenderLayers Method

Show in webframe
The destination clip rectangle Leadtools.LeadRectD in container coordinates. The engine will only render into this area. Pass LeadRectD.Empty if you do not want to use a clip rectangle.
The layers to render.
The owner container.
true to render this container in run mode; otherwise, false.
Renders annotation layers using the specified clip rectangle.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.renderLayers( 
   clipRect ,
   layers ,
   container ,


clipRectLeadRectDThe destination clip rectangle Leadtools.LeadRectD in container coordinates. The engine will only render into this area. Pass LeadRectD.Empty if you do not want to use a clip rectangle.
layersAnnLayerCollectionThe layers to render.
containerAnnContainerThe owner container.
runModebooltrue to render this container in run mode; otherwise, false.

This method uses the mapper in container to calculate the destination rectangle and any other transform to be applied.

The value of runMode controls whether this method renders the thumbs, selection objects and other parts used in design mode of the annotation objects as follows:

See Also


AnnRenderingEngine Object
AnnRenderingEngine Members



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