LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Core)

IAnnAutomationControl Interface

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by IAnnAutomationControl.

Public Properties
AutomationContainerGets the annotation container associated with this control.  
AutomationDpiXGets the horizontal resolution of the screen.  
AutomationDpiYGets the vertical resolution of the screen.  
AutomationEnabledGets a value that indicates whether the automation control is enabled.  
AutomationOffsetGets the offset the automation control.  
AutomationSizeGets the size of the automation control.  
AutomationTransformGets the matrix object that represents the current transformation for the annotations objects.  
AutomationUseDpiGets a value that indicate whether to use the resolution values when viewing an image.  
AutomationXResolutionGets the horizontal resolution of the image.  
AutomationYResolutionGets the vertical resolution of the image.  
RenderingEngineGets or sets the rendering engine associated with this control.  
Public Methods
AutomationAttachA method called whenever Attach is called.  
AutomationDetachA method called whenever Detach is called.  
AutomationInvalidateInvalidates the specified region of the control.  
GetImageDataGets the image data for the specified area of the image in the control.  
PutImageDataPuts the image data in the specified area in the image inside the control.  
Public Events
AutomationDoubleClickRepresents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double-clicked on the surface of the control. AnnPointerEventArgs  
AutomationEnabledChangedRepresents an event that triggers whenever the value of AutomationEnabled is changed. Leadtools.LeadEventArgs  
AutomationGotFocusRepresents an event that triggers when the control receives the focus. LeadEventArgs  
AutomationLostFocusRepresents an event that triggers when the control loses the focus. LeadEventArgs  
AutomationPointerDownRepresents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is down (clicked) on the surface of the control. AnnPointerEventArgs  
AutomationPointerMoveRepresents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moved on the surface of the control. AnnPointerEventArgs  
AutomationPointerUpRepresents an event of that triggers when the pointer (mouse or touch) is up (released) from the surface of the control. AnnPointerEventArgs  
AutomationSizeChangedRepresents an event that triggers when the size of this control changes. Leadtools.LeadEventArgs  
AutomationTransformChangedRepresents an event that must triggers whenever the value of AutomationTransform is changed. Leadtools.LeadEventArgs  
AutomationUseDpiChangedRepresents an event that triggers whenever the value of AutomationUseDpi is changed. Leadtools.LeadEventArgs  
See Also


IAnnAutomationControl Interface
Leadtools.Annotations.Core Namespace



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