LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Designers)

AnnDesigner Object

Show in webframe
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnDesigner.

Protected Constructors
AnnDesigner ConstructorInitializes a new instance of AnnDesigner with the specified parameters.  
Public Properties
AutomationControlGets the automation control associated with this designer.  
ClipCursorGets or sets a value that indicates whether to clip the mouse cursor.  
HasStartedGets a value that indicates whether this designer has started.  
IsMouseLeftButtonDownGets or sets a value indicating whether the left mouse button is currently down.  
TargetObjectGets or sets the target object for this designer.  
Protected Properties
ClipCursorRectangleGets the rectangle used to clip the cursor when the ClipCursor is true.  
ContainerGets the Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer object for this AnnDesigner.  
Public Methods
CancelCancels the current designer operation.  
EndEnds this designer.  
GetRendererGets the object that is used to render the TargetObject.  
InvalidateManually invalidates this designer.  
OnPointerDoubleClickHandles pointer double-click events on the designer.  
OnPointerDownHandles pointer down events on the designer.  
OnPointerMoveHandles pointer move events on the designer.  
OnPointerUpHandles pointer up events on the designer.  
StartStarts this designer.  
Protected Methods
EndClipCursorEnds clipping the mouse cursor.  
StartClipCursorStarts clipping the mouse cursor inside the given rectangle.  
See Also


AnnDesigner Object
Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Namespace
Programming with LEADTOOLS Annotations



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