LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering)

DrawGauge Method (AnnPolyRulerObjectRenderer)

Show in webframe
The mapper to use for rendering.
The first (start) point of the ruler.
The second (stop) point of the ruler.
The length of the gauge.
The stroke to use when drawing the ruler.
The fixed state of the owner object.
Draws the gauge portion of the ruler.
 function Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.AnnPolyRulerObjectRenderer.drawGauge( 
   mapper ,
   startPoint ,
   endPoint ,
   gaugeLength ,
   stroke ,


mapperAnnContainerMapperThe mapper to use for rendering.
startPointLeadPointDThe first (start) point of the ruler.
endPointLeadPointDThe second (stop) point of the ruler.
gaugeLengthLeadLengthDThe length of the gauge.
strokeAnnStrokeThe stroke to use when drawing the ruler.
operationsAnnFixedStateOperationsThe fixed state of the owner object.

This method is called by the renderer to draw the gauge of the ruler. Derived classes can override this method to provide their own implementation.

See Also


AnnPolyRulerObjectRenderer Object
AnnPolyRulerObjectRenderer Members



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