LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls.Medical)

DICOMImageInformation Object

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by DICOMImageInformation.

Public Constructors
DICOMImageInformation ConstructorInitializes a new instance of DICOMImageInformation  
Public Properties
BitsPerPixelGets or sets the bits per pixel of the image.  
Data32Gets or sets the pixel data for the image.  
FirstStoredPixelValueMappedGets or sets the window level's first stored pixel value of the LUT descriptor.  
HeightGets or sets the height of the image.  
HighBitGets or sets the image window level high bit value.  
LowBitGets or sets the image window level low bit value.  
LUT32Gets or sets the lookup table (LUT) for the image.  
LUTDescriptorGets or sets the window level LUT descriptor.  
MaxValueGets or sets the maximum grayscale value of the image.  
MinValueGets or sets the minimum grayscale value of the image.  
ModalityInterceptGets or sets the window level modality intercept value.  
ModalitySlopeGets or sets the window level modality slope value.  
PhotometricInterpretationGets or sets the photometric interpretation of the image.  
SignedGets or sets the value that determines whether the image is signed or unsigned.  
WidthGets or sets the width of the image.  
WindowCenterGets or sets the window center value used for window leveling of grayscale images.  
WindowWidthGets or sets the window width value used for window leveling of grayscale images.  
Public Methods
PrepareImageDataCreates a new array that contains the image data, where each pixel value is stored in one array element.  
ResizeReturns a new DICOMImageInformation based on the specified resize factor.  
SetAndPrepareImageDataAsyncSets and prepate the image data asynchronously.  
See Also


DICOMImageInformation Object
Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace



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