LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls.Medical)

DICOMImageInformationRenderer Object

Show in webframe
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by DICOMImageInformationRenderer.

Public Constructors
DICOMImageInformationRenderer ConstructorInitializes a new DICOMImageInformationRenderer object using the information in the specified DICOMImageInformation object.  
Public Properties
InformationGets the original DICOMImageInformation object that was used to create this DICOMImageInformationRenderer.  
IsLUTCalculatedGets a value that indicates whether or not the image's lookup table (LUT) has been calculated.  
MaximumWindowLevelCenterGets the maximum window level center value.  
MaximumWindowLevelWidthGets the maximum window level width value.  
MinimumWindowLevelCenterGets the minimum window level center value.  
MinimumWindowLevelWidthGets the minimum window level width value.  
OriginalWindowLevelCenterGets the original window level center value.  
OriginalWindowLevelWidthGets the original window level width value.  
PaletteTypeGets or sets the WindowLevelPaletteType to use.  
WindowLevelCenterGets the current window level center value.  
WindowLevelWidthGets the current window level width value.  
Public Methods
BeginResizeHides the image, and displays the resized image, so that the window level is applied on the resized version instead.  
CalculateLUTCalculates the lookup table (LUT) to be used when rendering a DICOM image.  
EndResizeHides the resized image, restores and displays the original image.  
LoadPaletteDataLoads palette data for this image from the specified xml file.  
OnChangedFires the Changed event.  
OnUpdateImageDataFires the UpdateImageData event.  
RenderRenders the image with window leveling applied into the specified HTML 5 ImageData object.  
ShouldResizeCalculates whether or not the DICOMImageInformationRenderer object should resize its output.  
UpdateRendererUpdates the window level by resetting the LUT to the default width and center values.  
UpdateWindowLevelLUTUpdates the window level LUT with the new width and center values.  
UpdateWindowLevelLUTDefaultUpdates the window level by resetting the LUT to the default width and center values.  
Public Events
ChangedOccurs when this object changes.  
UpdateImageDataOccurs when the HTML 5 ImageData for this DICOMImageInformationRenderer object has changed.  
See Also


DICOMImageInformationRenderer Object
Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace



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