LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools.Controls.Medical)

WindowLevelInteractiveMode Object

Show in webframe
Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by WindowLevelInteractiveMode.

Public Constructors
WindowLevelInteractiveMode ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the WindowLevelInteractiveMode object.  
Public Properties
DragDeltaSensitivityGets or sets a value that controls the sensitivity for the drag delta.  
EnableWindowLevelSensitivityEnables or disables use of the WindowLevelSensitivity property.  
IdleCursor (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
ImageDataGets or sets The HTML5 ImageData object that will be used to display the DICOM image.  
ImageViewerControl (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
InteractiveService (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IsStarted (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
IsWorking (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
MouseButton (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
NameOverridden. Gets the name of this mode.  
RendererGets or sets the DICOMImageInformationRenderer object to be used for rendering the DICOM image data.  
ResizeFactorGets or sets the factor that determines the value used to resize the image.  
WindowLevelSensitivityGets a value that indicates the ratio of the window level change to the distance traveled by the input device (mouse of touch).  
WorkingCursor (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
WorkOnImageRectangle (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
Protected Properties
Public Methods
ResetResets the window level parameters to the original values.  
StartOverridden. Initializes the window level interactive feature's internal variables and events.  
StopOverridden. Resets the window level interactive feature's internal variables and events.  
ToStringOverridden. Returns a formatted string.  
Protected Methods
Public Events
WorkCompleted (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
WorkStarted (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerInteractiveMode)
See Also


WindowLevelInteractiveMode Object
Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace



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