LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools)

Progress Event

Show in webframe
Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report.
add_progress(function(sender, e))
progress.add(function(sender, e))
remove_progress(function(sender, e))
progress.remove(function(sender, e))
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Cancel Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to abort the current image processing operation.
Percentage Gets the current image processing completion percentage.

This event will occur after the Run method is called. The event data will contain progress percentage from 0 to 100.


For an example, refer to ImageProcessing.

Event Data
Parameter Type Description
sender 'var' The source of the event.
e ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs The event data.
See Also


ImageProcessing Object
ImageProcessing Members



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