LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools)

CollectionChanged Event

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Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed.
add_collectionChanged(function(sender, e))
collectionChanged.add(function(sender, e))
remove_collectionChanged(function(sender, e))
collectionChanged.remove(function(sender, e))
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Action Gets the action that caused the event.
NewItems Gets the list of new items involved in the change.
NewStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred.
OldItems Gets the list of old items involved in the change.
OldStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which a Move, Remove, or Replace action occurred.
Event Data
Parameter Type Description
sender 'var' The source of the event.
See Also


LeadCollection Object
LeadCollection Members



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