LEADTOOLS JavaScript (Leadtools)

LeadRectD Object

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by LeadRectD.

Public Constructors
LeadRectD ConstructorCreates a new LeadRectD object.  
Public Properties
BottomGets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this LeadRectD.  
BottomLeftGets a LeadPointD that represents the bottom-left edge of this LeadRectD.  
BottomRightGets a LeadPointD that represents the bottom-right edge of this LeadRectD.  
EmptyGets a value that represents a static empty LeadRectD.  
HeightGets or sets the height of this LeadRectD.  
IsEmptyGets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadRectD is Empty.  
LeftGets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this LeadRectD.  
LocationGets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD.  
RightGets the x-coordinate of the right edge of this LeadRectD.  
SizeGets or sets the size of this LeadRectD.  
TopGets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this LeadRectD.  
TopLeftGets a LeadPointD that represents the top-left edge of this LeadRectD.  
TopRightGets a LeadPointD that represents the top-right edge of this LeadRectD.  
WidthGets or sets the width of this LeadRectD.  
XGets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD.  
YGets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD.  
Public Methods
CloneCreates an exact copy of this LeadRectD.  
ContainsDetermines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD.  
ContainsPointDetermines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD.  
ContainsRectDetermines if the rectangular region represented by the specified value is entirely contained within this LeadRectD.  
CreateInitializes a new LeadRectD object with explicit parameters.  
EqualsOverloaded. Specifies whether two LeadRectD contain the same coordinates.  
FromLTRBCreates a LeadRectD with the specified edge locations.  
InflateInflates this LeadRectD by the specified amount.  
InflateRectReturns a LeadRectD resulting from inflating the specified rectangle by the specified amount.  
IntersectReplaces this LeadRectD with the intersection of itself and the specified LeadRectD.  
IntersectRectsReturns a LeadRectD that represents the intersection of two rectangles.  
IntersectsWithDetermines if this LeadRectD intersects with a test value.  
OffsetAdjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount.  
ScaleScales this LeadRectD by the specified amount.  
ToStringConverts this LeadRectD to a human-readable string.  
UnionCombines this LeadRectD with the specified value.  
UnionRectsGets a LeadRectD that contains the union of two rectangles.  
See Also


LeadRectD Object
Leadtools Namespace



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