LEADTOOLS HTML5 Browser Support

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The LEADTOOLS HTML5 / JavaScript toolkit can be used to develop applications for any web browser that supports HTML5.

Here is the list of the browsers we support:

* For instructions on extending HTML5 capabilities to IE7 and IE8, please contact LEADTOOLS Sales (sales@leadtools.com or +1-704-332-5532)

Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers with versions 8 and earlier have faulty support ECMA JavaScript Object.defineProperty method. Browsing to an HTML page that includes that LEADTOOLS libraries references in the head section will result in an error. The workaround is to insert this JavaScript script into the head section prior to any LEADTOOLS reference:

            <!-- Workaround for Internet Explorer 8 and earlier. Must be added before any LEADTOOLS references -->
            <script type="text/javascript">
               // check if HTML5 canvas is supported
               if (!("HTMLCanvasElement" in window)) {
                  alert('HTML 5 Canvas not supported, redirecting ...');
                  location.href = "http://www.leadtools.com"; 
            <!-- LEADTOOLS references -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Leadtools.js"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Leadtools.Controls.js"></script>