LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 (Leadtools.Jpip.Server assembly)

JpipServerConfiguration Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by JpipServerConfiguration.

Public Constructors
JpipServerConfiguration ConstructorCreates a new instance of the JpipServerConfiguration class.  
Public Properties
AliasFoldersGets an System.Collections.IEnumerable to iterate over the folder aliases.  
CacheFolderGets or sets the folder path where the JpipServer store its cache data.  
CacheSizeGets or sets the maximum size of the cache folder.  
ChunkSizeGets or sets the chunk size of the HTTP packet.  
ConnectionIdleTimeoutGets or sets the timeout before a connected client gets disconnected if no requests are performed.  
DelegateServersGets a collection containing the DelegatedServer.  
DivideSuperBoxesGets or sets a value that determines whether to divide meta-data super boxes into sub-boxes.  
EnableLoggingGets or sets a value that determines whether server should generate even logs.  
HandshakeTimeoutGets or sets the connection handshake timeout.  
ImageParsingTimeoutGets or sets the timeout for parsing a requested image.  
ImagesFolderGets or sets the folder path where images are stored.  
IPAddressGets or sets the IP address which the JpipServer is listening to.  
LogDebugGets or sets a value that determines whether an event log of type EventType.Debug should be written to the log file.  
LogErrorsGets or sets a value that determines whether an event log of type EventType.Error should be written to the log file.  
LoggingFileGets or sets the event log file name.  
LogInformationGets or sets a value that determines whether an event log of type EventType.Information should be written to the log file.  
LogWarningsGets or sets a value that determines whether an event log of type EventType.Warning should be written to the log file.  
MaxClientCountGets or sets the maximum number of concurrent connected clients.  
MaxConnectionBandwidthGets or sets the maximum transmission bandwidth for client connections.  
MaxServerBandwidthGets the total transmission bandwidth of the server.  
MaxSessionLifetimeGets or sets the maximum lifetime of a continuously connected client.  
MaxTransportConnectionsGets or sets the maximum number of transport connections.  
PartitionBoxSizeGets or sets the maximum size of a meta-data box before it is being replaced by a placeholder box.  
PortGets or sets the port to which the JpipServer is listening.  
RequestTimeoutGets or sets the receiving timeout for a client request.  
ServerNameGets or sets the name of the JpipServer.  
Public Methods
AddAliasFolderRegister a new alias folder.  
ClearAliasesRemove all registered aliases.  
GetAliasPathRetrieves the physical path of the alias folder.  
IsAliasExistsDetermines whether the specified alias folder is registered.  
RemoveAliasFolderRemoves a registered alias folder.  
SaveSaves the configuration values to the EXE configuration file.  
See Also


JpipServerConfiguration Class
Leadtools.Jpip.Server Namespace



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Leadtools.Jpip.Server requires a Document or Medical license and unlock key as well as a server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features