LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

ILeadStream Interface Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ILeadStream.

Public Properties
CanReadGets a value indicating whether the current ILeadStream object supports reading.  
CanSeekGets a value indicating whether the current ILeadStream object supports seeking.  
CanWriteGets a value indicating whether the current ILeadStream object supports writing.  
FileNameThe name of the file associated with this ILeadStream object.  
IsStartedIndicates whether this ILeadStream object has been started.  
Public Methods
CloseFileCloses this ILeadStream object and releases any resources associated with it.  
OpenFileCreates, opens or reopens the specified file.  
ReadOverloaded. Reads a specified number of bytes from the ILeadStream object and writes the data into the specified buffer.  
SeekSets the current position of this ILeadStream object to the specified value.  
StartCalled to start using the ILeadStream object.  
StopCalled to stop using the ILeadStream object.  
WriteOverloaded. Writes the specified number of bytes to the ILeadStream object.  
See Also


ILeadStream Interface
Leadtools Namespace



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