LEADTOOLS (Leadtools.Logging assembly)

Logger Class Members

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Fields  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by Logger.

Public Constructors
Logger ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
StackTraceKeyKey used to store the stack trace information in LogEntry custom information.  
Public Properties
EnabledGets a value indicating whether the logging is enabled.  
EnableThreadingGets a value indicating whether the logging will be handled in its own thread.  
FilterGets or sets the filter that is used to determine the types of messages that are logged.  
GlobalGets the global logger.  
LoggingChannelsGets the logging channels.  
Public Methods
DebugOverloaded. Logs the specified entry as a LogType.Debug.  
DisposeOverloaded. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.  
ErrorOverloaded. Logs the specified entry as a LogType.Error.  
ExceptionOverloaded. Logs the specified entry as an exception.  
GetLoggerGets the a logger with the specified name.  
InfoOverloaded. Logs the specified entry as a LogType.Information.  
LogLogs the specified entry.  
WarningOverloaded. Logs the specified entry as a LogType.Warning.  
Protected Methods
OnLoggedRaises the Logged event.  
OnLoggingRaises the Logging event.  
Public Events
LoggedOccurs after a message is logged.  
LoggingOccurs before a message is logged.  
See Also


Logger Class
Leadtools.Logging Namespace



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Leadtools.Logging requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features