
IManageService Interface Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by IManageService.

Public Methods
AddUsersToRoleAdds users to the specified roles.  
ChangePasswordChanges a user password.  
CreateRoleCreates a new role.  
CreateUserCreates a new user.  
DeleteRoleDeletes a specific role.  
DeleteUserDeletes a specific user.  
GetAllRolesRetrieves all roles defined by the server.  
GetAllUsersRetrieves all users names stored in the server.  
GetRolesForUserGets the roles which a user is a member of.  
GetRolesPatientsPermissionsRetrieves the permissions to access patients information for a role.  
GetUserCacheExpirationDurationRetrieves the time specified for user cache items to expire.  
GetUsersInRoleRetrieves all users which are members in the specified role.  
IsUserInRoleChecks whether a user is a member of specific role.  
RemoveUsersFromRolesRemoves a group of users from a group of roles.  
ResetPasswordResets a user password into a new password.  
RoleExistsChecks if a role defined by the server.  
SetRolesPatientsPermissionsUpdates the roles permissions for accessing patients information.  
SetUserCacheExpirationDurationUpdates the time at which the cache items will expire for a user.  
ValidateUserChecks if the user name and password are valid.  
See Also


IManageService Interface
Leadtools.Dicom.WCF Namespace



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