LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Dicom.Web assembly)

CreateQueryServiceBinding Method

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Creates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Query service
Protected Overridable Function CreateQueryServiceBinding() As Binding
Dim instance As DicomWCFStreamer
Dim value As Binding
value = instance.CreateQueryServiceBinding()
protected virtual Binding CreateQueryServiceBinding()
virtual Binding^ CreateQueryServiceBinding(); 

Return Value

A System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object used to communicate with the Query service. The default binding object is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.CustomBinding which supports System.ServiceModel.WSHttpBinding with System.ServiceModel.SecurityMode.Message.
Override this method to create your own System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object to communicate with the Query service.

Target Platforms

See Also


DicomWCFStreamer Class
DicomWCFStreamer Members



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