LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Workstation assembly)

WorkstationMessages Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by WorkstationMessages.

Public Properties
ActionsLeftMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
ActionsMiddleMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
ActionsMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
ActionsRightMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
ActionsWheelMouseButtonStatusLabelGets or sets the message for the property.  
AnotherVolumeProcessingErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
CellDisplayOverviewExistsErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
ConfirmDeleteAnnotationQuestionGets or sets the message for the property.  
ConfirmDeleteCellQuestionGets or sets the message for the property.  
CreatingVolumeCompletedMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
CreatingVolumeMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
Engine3DFailureErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
FailedCreateControlFormattedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
FeatureNotImplementedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
IdentifyingVolumesGets or sets the message for the property.  
InitializeCellErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
InstanceGets a single instance of the WorkstationMessages class.  
LoaderNotFoundErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
LoadingImageNumberFormattedMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
LoadingImagesMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
LoadingVolumeGets or sets the message for the property.  
LoadingVolumeCompletedGets or sets the message for the property.  
LoadingVolumeStateGets or sets the message for the property.  
Medical3DFeatureLockedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
ModalityNotDefinedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
NoImageFoundInDatasetErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
NoPrinterInstalledErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
NoPrinterSelectedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
NoSeriesImagesFoundMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
NoVolumeFoundForSeriesErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
ObjectNotInitializedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
RetreiveVolumeInformationGets or sets the message for the property.  
SaveAnnotationDescriptionEmptyErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
SeriesStillLoadingMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
StatisticalMaximumPixelGets or sets the message for the property.  
StatisticalMeanGets or sets the message for the property.  
StatisticalMedianGets or sets the message for the property.  
StatisticalMinimumPixelGets or sets the message for the property.  
StatisticalNumberofPixelsGets or sets the message for the property.  
StatisticalStandardDeviationGets or sets the message for the property.  
StudiesViewerFormattedTitleGets or sets the message for the property.  
StudyExistsErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
TimelineCaptionTextGets or sets the message for the property.  
ViewerNotBelongToViewErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
ViewerNotExistErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
ViewNotRegisteredErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
VolumeLoadedErrorGets or sets the message for the property.  
VolumeStateStoredSuccessMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
VolumeStoredSuccessMessageGets or sets the message for the property.  
VolumeViewerFormattedTitleGets or sets the message for the property.  
Public Methods
LoadMessagesLoads all the messages in the provided source.  
SaveMessagesSaves all the messages in the WorkstationMessages class into the provided stream in XML format.  
See Also


WorkstationMessages Class
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Namespace



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