LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer assembly)

Study Class Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by Study.

Public Constructors
Study ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
AccessionNumberGets or sets the Accession Number.  
AdditionalPatientHistoryGets or sets the Additional Patient History.  
AdmittingDiagnosesDescGets or sets the Admitting Diagnoses Description.  
AETitleGets or sets the AE Title.  
CatalogKeyOverridden. Gets the catalog entity key used to map the physical table name from the catalog.  
InterpretationAuthorGets or sets the Interpretation Author.  
OccupationGets or sets the Occupation.  
PatientAgeGets or sets the Patient Age.  
PatientSizeGets or sets the Patient Size.  
PatientWeightGets or sets the Patient Weight.  
ReferDrFamilyNameGets or sets the Refer Dr Family Name.  
ReferDrGivenNameGets or sets the Refer Dr Given Name.  
ReferDrMiddleNameGets or sets the Refer Dr Middle Name.  
ReferDrNamePrefixGets or sets the Refer Dr Name Prefix.  
ReferDrNameSuffixGets or sets the Refer Dr Name Suffix.  
StudyDateGets or sets the Study Date.  
StudyDescriptionGets or sets the Study Description.  
StudyIDGets or sets the Study ID.  
StudyInstanceUIDGets or sets the Study Instance UID.  
See Also


Study Class
Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer.MatchingParameters Namespace



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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features