LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer assembly)

StorageDbDataAccessAgent Class Members

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by StorageDbDataAccessAgent.

Public Properties
AutoTruncateDataGets or sets a value indicating whether string data should be truncated to match the data store length when storing a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet.  
MaxQueryResultsGets or sets a value indicating the maximum number of rows to return.  
Protected Properties
DataProviderGets the database provider for connecting and working with DICOM Storage database.  
StorageCatalogGets the configured Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Catalog.ICatalog which describes the DICOM Storage database.  
Public Methods
CancelQueryCompositeInstancesAsyncCancels an existing call to QueryCompositeInstancesAsync  
DeleteInstanceDelete the composite instances information that matches the given query parameters.  
DeletePatientDelete the patient's information that matches the given query parameters.  
DeleteSeriesDelete the series information that matches the given query parameters.  
DeleteStudyDelete the studies information that matches the given query parameters.  
FindCompositeInstancesCountReturns the number of composite instances that matches the query parameters.  
FindPatientsCountReturns the number of patients that matches the query parameters.  
FindSeriesCountReturns the number of series that matches the query parameters.  
FindStudiesCountReturns the number of studies that matches the query parameters.  
IsCompositeInstancesExistsReturns whether a DICOM instance information exists for the given SOP Instance UID.  
IsPatientsExistsReturns whether a patient information exists for the given Patient ID.  
IsSeriesExistsReturns whether a series information exists for the given Series Instance UID.  
IsStudyExistsReturns whether a study information exists for the given Study Instance UID.  
QueryCompositeInstancesFind composite instance information with the specified matching parameters.  
QueryCompositeInstancesAsyncAsychronously performs a query to find the composite instance information with the specified matching parameters.  
QueryPatientsFind patient's information with the specified matching parameters.  
QuerySeriesFind series information with the specified matching parameters.  
QueryStudiesFind studies information with the specified matching parameters.  
StoreDicomAdd DICOM information into the storage source.  
UpdateCompositeInstanceUpdate the information of DICOM composite instance by adding, deleting or modifying information.  
Protected Methods
CreateCompositeInstanceDataSetReturns an empty CompositeInstanceDataSet.  
CreateDatabaseProviderCreates the database provider for connecting and working with DICOM Storage database.  
CreateDefaultCatalogReturns the default Leadtools.Medical.DataAccessLayer.Catalog.ICatalog that is used for mapping matching parameters into database tables/columns.  
GetCompositeInstanceQueryDataAdapterTablesReturns the table names which should be used to update a System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.TableMappings when performing a query.  
GetDicomDataSetConverterReturns an object used to convert a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet into a CompositeInstanceDataSet.  
OnQueryCompositeInstancesCompletedRaises the QueryCompositeInstancesCompleted event.  
OnQueryCompositeInstancesStartingRaises the QueryCompositeInstancesStarting event.  
PrepareDeleteInstanceCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete composite instances using matching parameters.  
PrepareDeletePatientsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete patients using matching parameters.  
PrepareDeletePatientsNoChildStudiesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete orphan patients that doesn't have child studies information.  
PrepareDeleteSeriesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete series using matching parameters.  
PrepareDeleteSeriesNoChildInstancesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete orphan series that doesn't have child composite instances information.  
PrepareDeleteStudiesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete studies using matching parameters.  
PrepareDeleteStudiesNoChildSeriesCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete orphanstudies that doesn't have child series information.  
PrepareInstancePageQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for Composite Instance information using matching parameters for pagination.  
PrepareInstanceQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for Composite Instance information using matching parameters.  
PrepareInstanceQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for composite instances count using matching parameters.  
PrepareIsInstanceExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a DICOM Instance information exists.  
PrepareIsPatientExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a patient information exists.  
PrepareIsSeriesExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a series information exists.  
PrepareIsStudyExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to check whether a study information exists.  
PreparePatientsQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for patient information using matching parameters.  
PreparePatientsQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for patients count using matching parameters.  
PrepareSeriesQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for series information using matching parameters.  
PrepareSeriesQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for series count using matching parameters.  
PrepareStudiesQueryCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for studies information using matching parameters.  
PrepareStudiesQueryCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for studies count using matching parameters.  
UpdateTableUpdate a specific table in a CompositeInstanceDataSet by adding, deleting or modifying information.  
Public Events
QueryCompositeInstancesCompletedOccurs when the QueryCompositeInstancesAsync is completed.  
QueryCompositeInstancesStartingOccurs when the QueryCompositeInstancesAsync is first called.  
See Also


StorageDbDataAccessAgent Class
Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer Namespace



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Leadtools.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features