LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.MediaFoundation assembly)

MouseUpEventArgs Class Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by MouseUpEventArgs.

Public Constructors
MouseUpEventArgs ConstructorThe MouseUpEventArgs object is the event arguments object for the MouseUpEventHandler. For more information, see MouseUpEventHandler  
Public Fields
buttonValue that identifies the button that was released to cause the event. The following are possible values: Value Meaning 1 left button 2 right button  
shiftValue that indicates which of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys are down when the button specified in the button argument is released. The following are possible values: Value Meaning 1 SHIFT key 2 CTRL key 4 ALT key 3 CTRL/SHIFT key 5 ALT/SHIFT key 6 CTRL/ALT key 7 CTRL/ALT/SHIFT key  
xThe X coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the origin of the client area of the control. The unit of measure is determined by ScaleMode property.  
yThe Y coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the origin of the client area of the control. The unit of measure is determined by ScaleMode property.  
See Also


MouseUpEventArgs Class
Leadtools.MediaFoundation Namespace



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Leadtools.MediaFoundation requires a Multimedia or Multimedia Suite license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features