LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.MediaFoundation assembly)

TVTuner Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by TVTuner.

Public Properties
AudioFrequencyGets the tuned audio frequency, in Hertz, for the currently selected channel.  
AudioSubChannelGets the currently set audio subchannel.  
AudioSubChannelCountGets the audio subchannel count for a multifunction tuner.  
AvailableModesGets the modes supported by the installed tuner.  
AvailableTVFormatsGets the analog video TV standards supported by the installed tuner.  
ChannelGets the current channel.  
ChannelMaxGets the highest channel available.  
ChannelMinGets the lowest channel available.  
ConnectInputGets or sets the input pin that has the current connection.  
CountryCodeGets or sets the country or region code that is used in channel to frequency conversion.  
ModeGets or sets the current mode of a multifunction tuner.  
NumInputConnectionsGets the number of TV sources plugged into the tuner filter.  
SignalPresentGets a value which indicates whether a signal is present on the current channel.  
TuningSpaceGets or sets the current tuning space.  
TVFormatGets the analog video TV standard format in use.  
VideoFrequencyGets the video frequency, in Hertz, for the current channel.  
VideoSubChannelGets the current video sub-channel.  
VideoSubChannelCountGets the video subchannel count for a multifunction tuner.  
Public Methods
AudioSubChannelValueGets the audio sub-channel count for a multifunction tuner.  
AutoTuneFine tunes the specified channel by scanning for the most precise signal for that channel.  
GetInputTypeGets the input type for the specified pin.  
LogonLogs a user onto the system.  
LogoutLogs the current user out.  
SetChannelSets the TV channel.  
SetInputTypeSets the TV tuner input type.  
StoreAutoTuneSaves the fine-tuning information for all channels.  
VideoSubChannelValueGets the video subchannel value for the given index.  
See Also


TVTuner Class
Leadtools.MediaFoundation Namespace



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