LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.Multimedia assembly)

ILMNetSnk Interface Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ILMNetSnk.

Public Properties
ConnectionCountGets the number of open connections to the server.  
ConnectionVersionGets a number that determines whether the connection list has changed since the last time it was checked.  
FirstConnectionGets the object for the first connection in the list of available connections to the server.  
LastConnectionGets the object of the last connection in the list of available connections to the server.  
LastConnectionIDGets the last connection ID for the most recent client connection.  
RequireLoginGets or sets a value that determines whether the server requires a user name and password to accept connections.  
RestrictionCountGets the number of restrictions in the restriction list.  
UseEncryptionGets or sets a value that determines whether the server uses encryption.  
UserCountGets the number of registered users on the server.  
Public Methods
AddRestrictionAdds the specified IP address to a list of restricted addresses.  
AddUserAdds a new user to the list of registered users in the server and retrieves the index of the added user in the list.  
CloseAllCloses all connections.  
FindConnectionGets the object of the connection at the specified ID in the list of available connections to the server.  
FindRestrictionGets the index of the specified IP address in the restriction list.  
FindUserGets the index of the registered user with the specified username.  
GetFastestQueueDurationGets the network sink's client queue duration for undelivered sample buffers.  
GetPasswordGets the password of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.  
GetRestrictionGets the restricted IP address at the specified index from the list of restrictions.  
GetUsernameGets the username of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.  
RemoveAllRestrictionsRemoves all the restrictions from the restriction list.  
RemoveAllUsersRemoves all registered users.  
RemoveRestrictionRemoves the restriction at the specified index from the list of restrictions.  
RemoveUserRemoves the user name at the specified index from the registered user list.  
SetPasswordSets the password of the user at the specified index in the list of registered users.  
See Also


ILMNetSnk Interface
LMNetSnk Namespace



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