LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer assembly)

MWLDataset.PatientRow Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by MWLDataset.PatientRow.

Public Properties
AdditionalPatientHistoryGets or sets the Additional Patient History.  
ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionGets or sets the Confidentiality Constrainton Patient Data Description.  
EthnicGroupGets or sets the Ethnic Group.  
HasErrorsGets a value that indicates whether there are errors in a row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
IssuerOfPatientIDGets or sets the Issuer Of Patient ID.  
ItemOverloaded. Gets or sets the data stored in the column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
ItemArrayGets or sets all the values for this row through an array. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
LastMenstrualDateGets or sets the Last Menstrual Date.  
PatientBirthDateGets or sets the Patient Birth Date.  
PatientCommentsGets or sets the Patient Comments.  
PatientIDGets or sets the Patient ID.  
PatientNameFamilyNameGets or sets the Patient Name Family Name.  
PatientNameGivenNameGets or sets the Patient Name Given Name.  
PatientNameMiddleNameGets or sets the Patient Name Middle Name.  
PatientNamePrefixGets or sets the Patient Name Prefix.  
PatientNameSuffixGets or sets the Patient Name Suffix.  
PatientSexGets or sets the Patient Sex.  
PatientStateGets or sets the Patient State.  
PatientWeightGets or sets the Patient Weight.  
PregnancyStatusGets or sets the Pregnancy Status.  
RowErrorGets or sets the custom error description for a row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
RowStateGets the current state of the row with regard to its relationship to the System.Data.DataRowCollection. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
SpecialNeedsGets or sets the Special Needs.  
TableGets the System.Data.DataTable for which this row has a schema. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Methods
AcceptChangesCommits all the changes made to this row since the last time System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges was called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
BeginEditStarts an edit operation on a System.Data.DataRow object. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
CancelEditCancels the current edit on the row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
ClearErrorsClears the errors for the row. This includes the System.Data.DataRow.RowError and errors set with System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError(System.Int32,System.String). (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
DeleteDeletes the System.Data.DataRow. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
EndEditEnds the edit occurring on the row. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
GetChildRowsOverloaded. Gets the child rows of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
GetColumnErrorOverloaded. Gets the error description for the column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
GetColumnsInErrorGets an array of columns that have errors. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
GetContrastAllergiesRowsReturns the child MWLDataset.ContrastAllergiesRow for this MWLDataset.PatientRow.  
GetImagingServiceRequestRowsReturns the child MWLDataset.ImagingServiceRequestRow for this MWLDataset.PatientRow.  
GetMedicalAlertsRowsReturns the child MWLDataset.MedicalAlertsRow for this MWLDataset.PatientRow.  
GetOtherPatientIDsRowsReturns the child MWLDataset.OtherPatientIDsRow for this MWLDataset.PatientRow.  
GetParentRowOverloaded. Gets the parent row of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
GetParentRowsOverloaded. Gets the parent rows of a System.Data.DataRow using the specified System.Data.DataRelation.RelationName of a System.Data.DataRelation. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
HasVersionGets a value that indicates whether a specified version exists. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
IsAdditionalPatientHistoryNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn contains a null value.  
IsConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn contains a null value.  
IsEthnicGroupNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.EthnicGroupColumn contains a null value.  
IsLastMenstrualDateNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.LastMenstrualDateColumn contains a null value.  
IsNullOverloaded. Gets a value that indicates whether the column at the specified index contains a null value. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
IsPatientBirthDateNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientCommentsNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientCommentsColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientNameFamilyNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameFamilyNameColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientNameGivenNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameGivenNameColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientNameMiddleNameNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameMiddleNameColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientNamePrefixNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNamePrefixColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientNameSuffixNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameSuffixColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientSexNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientSexColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientStateNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientStateColumn contains a null value.  
IsPatientWeightNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientWeightColumn contains a null value.  
IsPregnancyStatusNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PregnancyStatusColumn contains a null value.  
IsSpecialNeedsNullGets a value that indicates whether the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.SpecialNeedsColumn contains a null value.  
RejectChangesRejects all changes made to the row since System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges was last called. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
SetAddedChanges the System.Data.DataRow.Rowstate of a System.Data.DataRow to Added. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
SetAdditionalPatientHistoryNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.AdditionalPatientHistoryColumn to a null value.  
SetColumnErrorOverloaded. Sets the error description for a column specified by index. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
SetConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.ConfidentialityConstraintonPatientDataDescriptionColumn to a null value.  
SetEthnicGroupNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.EthnicGroupColumn to a null value.  
SetLastMenstrualDateNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.LastMenstrualDateColumn to a null value.  
SetModifiedChanges the System.Data.DataRow.Rowstate of a System.Data.DataRow to Modified. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
SetParentRowOverloaded. Sets the parent row of a System.Data.DataRow with specified new parent System.Data.DataRow. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
SetPatientBirthDateNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientBirthDateColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientCommentsNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientCommentsColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientNameFamilyNameNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameFamilyNameColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientNameGivenNameNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameGivenNameColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientNameMiddleNameNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameMiddleNameColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientNamePrefixNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNamePrefixColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientNameSuffixNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientNameSuffixColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientSexNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientSexColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientStateNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientStateColumn to a null value.  
SetPatientWeightNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PatientWeightColumn to a null value.  
SetPregnancyStatusNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.PregnancyStatusColumn to a null value.  
SetSpecialNeedsNullSets the value of the MWLDataset.PatientDataTable.SpecialNeedsColumn to a null value.  
Protected Methods
SetNullSets the value of the specified System.Data.DataColumn to a null value. (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
See Also


MWLDataset.PatientRow Class
Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer.BusinessEntity Namespace



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Leadtools.Medical.Worklist.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features