LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer assembly)

WorkstationDataAccessAgent Class Members

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Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by WorkstationDataAccessAgent.

Protected Properties
DatabaseProviderGets the database provider for connecting and working with the Medical Workstation database.  
Public Methods
DeleteAnnotationObjectDeletes the annotation defined by annotationId from the datbase.  
DeleteVolumeDeletes a 3D volume information.  
GetAnnotationFileReturns the full path and file name of the annotation file that is associated with the annotationId.  
GetAnnotationIdentifierReturns the array of AnnotationIdentifier for the data set with sopInstanceUID  
GetAnnotationObjectsCountReturns the count of annotation containers that is associated with the sopInstanceUID.  
GetBytesChuncksReturns a chunk of bytes from a 3D volume file.  
GetSeriesVolumeReturns a 3D volume.  
GetVolumesFind the 3D volumes which are stored for the provided series.  
HasVolumeDecides whether a 3D volume has been stored for a series.  
IsConfigurationRegisteredChecks whether a component has a configuration registered to it.  
ReadConfigurationReturns the configuration for a component.  
RegisterConfigurationRegisters a new component configuration.  
StoreAnnotationObjectStores the annotation storageFile in the database.  
StoreVolumeOverloaded. Store 3D volume information.  
UpdateConfigurationUpdates the configuration data for the specified component.  
UpdateVolumeStateUpdate the state information of a 3D volume  
Protected Methods
CreateDatabaseProviderCreates a database provider for connecting and working with the Medical Workstation database.  
InitializeInsertConfigurationCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to insert a component configuration row.  
InitializeIsComponentConfigurationInsertedCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to check if a component's name is inserted into the configuration table.  
InitializeReadConfigurationCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to read a component configuration.  
InitializeUpdateConfigurationCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to update a component's configuration data.  
PrepareDeleteAnnotationCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to delete the annotation container that corresponds to the sopInstanceUID and annotationNumber.  
PrepareDeleteVolumeCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object which deletes a 3D volume information from the database.  
PrepareGetAnnotationDescriptionCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to get the description of annotation containers associated with an sopInstanceUID.  
PrepareGetAnnotationFileCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to get the annotation file associated with an sopInstanceUID.  
PrepareGetAnnotationNumbersCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to get the annotationNumbers associated with an sopInstanceUID.  
PrepareGetAnnotationsCountCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to get the number of annotation containers associated with an sopInstanceUID.  
PrepareGetUserIdentifierCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object to get the user identifier string of a 3D volume.  
PrepareGetVolumeFileCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object to get the path of the 3D volume data file.  
PrepareGetVolumeNumbersCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object to get all the number of the available 3D volume in a series.  
PrepareGetVolumeStateFileCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object to get the path of the 3D volume state file.  
PrepareIsSeriesVolumeExistsCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object which returns a scalar value if a 3D volume exists for the given series.  
PrepareStoreAnnotationObjectCommandInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand to insert an annotation.  
PrepareStoreVolumeCommnadInitializes a System.Data.Common.DbCommand object to store a 3D volume information.  
See Also


WorkstationDataAccessAgent Class
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer Namespace



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