CCOW Authenticate-user Action Subject

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The Authenticate-user is an action subject that allows an application to request a context system to authenticate a user.

Authenticate-user Action Subject

The Authenticate-user is an action subject that allows an application to request a context system to authenticate a user. An application may optionally set the user logon name for the system to authenticate.

The user-mapping agent can map inputs and outputs for Authenticate-user action subjects supporting application specific user logon names. Eliminating the need for Authenticate-user action subject-specific mapping agents.

Authenticate-user subjects have the following attributes:

Subject Label "AuthenticateUser"
Subject Type Action
Synchronization N/A
Security Authentication required to request or perform action
Subject Dependencies None
Mapping Agent Coupon Value None
Action Agent Coupon Value -11

Authenticate-user subjects have the following standard context data items listed in the following table:

Authenticate-User Input Data Item Name Meaning Data Type Semantic Constraints on Values Case Sensitivity


Name for mapping

where the value of Suffix is preserved when the name is created

The logon name of the specific user that is expected to authenticate ST An empty string “” indicates that are not expecting any particular user Value is case sensitive. For example, “ksmith” and “Ksmith” are two different logon id values.

Authenticate-user action subjects have the following standard output data items. An Authenticate-user action agent needs to set the value for at least one of the items listed in the following table:

Authenticate-User Output Data Item Name Meaning Data Type Semantic Constraints on Values Case Sensitivity
AuthenticateUser.Ou.Status Indicates whether user was successfully authenticated ST Success is represented by the string “Pass” and failure is represented by the string “Fail” No


Name for mapping is:
where the value of Suffix is preserved when the name is created
Logon name of the user ST User's logon name will be provided even if they could not be authenticated Value is case sensitive.


Name for mapping is: User.Co.Name
Authenticated user's name XPN May be an empty string “” if the user's name is not known No



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