CCOW User Identity Subjects

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User Identity Subjects

A User identity subject identifies a user that exists in the real world. Users can have different logon names for different applications. A site-defined suffix of a subject identifier item differentiates user logon names for different applications.

User subjects have the following attributes:

Subject Label “User”
Subject type Identity
Synchronization Constant
Security Requires authentication to set subject
Subject Dependencies None
Mapping Agent Coupon Value -2

User-linked applications should be configurable to use the appropriate suffix (or suffixes) when getting or setting context data. Any application can log a user off of all the user-linked applications. Applications log users off by setting the user subject to empty.

User subjects have the following standard context data items. A User Linked application should set the value for at least one of the items listed in the following table:

User Subject Identifier Item Name Meaning Data Type Semantic Constraints on Values Case Sensitivity
User.Id.Logon.Suffix User's logon name ST None Value is case sensitive.
For example, “gsmith” and “Gsmith” are two different logon ID values

An application can optionally set values for the corroborating items listed in the following table:

User Subject Corroborating Item Name Meaning Data Type Semantic Constraints on Values Case Sensitivity
User.Co.Name User's name (No meaning for HL7) XPN None No

Examples of User Subject Items are listed in the following table:

Example Item Names Example Item Values
User.Id.Logon.LEADTOOLS_Demo_Workstation g_smith
User.Id.Logon.Visage gsmith
User.Id.Logon.CareView gs1229
User.Co.Name Gabi Smith



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