Version 18 has not changed from Version 18.0. For more information, refer to
The following new members have been added to existing types in LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client.QueryClient.DoFindPatients | Performs a patient-based query and fills the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet with the patients that are returned. |
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client.QueryClient.FindPatients | Runs a patient-based query with the specified parameters. |
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client.Local.DicomDirQueryClient.DoFindPatients | Performs a patient-based query on the DICOMDIR and fills the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet with the patients that are returned. |
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client.Pacs.PacsQueryClient.DoFindPatients | Performs a patient-based query and fills the Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet with the patients that are returned. |
Version 17 has not changed from Version 16.5. For more information, refer to
The following assembly has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v16.5:
Namespace | Description |
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client | Provides classes, methods, properties, enumerations, events and delegates that can use the AddIns to query the local database, retrieve images from the local database, and store images to the local database. |