The following members have been added to existing types in v18:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.SaveTemplateFile(string, int[], Leadtools.Twain.SaveCapabilityOptions) | Saves a list of capabilities to the specified template file on disk. |
The following enumerations have been added to existing types in v18:
Enumeration | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.SaveCapabilityOptions | Specifies whether all possible capability values, current values, or default values are saved to disk. |
For more information, refer to
The Leadtools.Twain now gives the user the ability to select the TWAIN version (TWAIN v1.0 or v2.0) to work with.
The following members have been added to existing classes in v17.5:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.SetVersion | Sets the desired Twain version to work with. |
The following enumerations have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:
Enumeration | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainVersion | The TwainVersion enumerated type represents the possible Twain versions you can set via Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.SetVersion |
The following enumerations have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:
Enumeration | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainReturnCode.CheckStatus | TWRC_CHECKSTATUS |
The following members have been added to existing classes in v16.5:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.Startup2 | Initializes the TWAIN session. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.SaveCustomDSData | Saves the custom data source data to a file. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.UpdateCustomDSData | Update the custom data source. |
The following enumerations have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v16.5:
Enumeration | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainLanguage | The TwainLanguage enumerated type represents the possible values to be used in Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.Startup2. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCapabilityType | Indicates the capability that is being retrieved or set. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCountry | The TwainCountry enumerated type represents the possible values to be used in Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.Startup2. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainConditionCode | The condition code constants for retrieving the extended image information. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainExtendedImage | The extended image information ID constants. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCapabilityValue | |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainExceptionCode | Used as a value for Leadtools.Twain.TwainException.Code property. |
No changes were made to this assembly.
The following types have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v15:
Type | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainColorScheme | Represents color scheme for Twain. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainFileFormat | Represents Twain file format. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageResolutionProperties | Provides image resolution information for the current selected data source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainTransferMode | Represents the possible Twain transfer modes. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageEffectsFlags | Represents specific Twain image effects. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainPaperOrientation | Represents TWAIN paper orientation. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainAcquirePageOptions | Provides acquire page options for the current selected data source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainFileSystemMessage | represents the possible messages will be used in Twain File System. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainDuplexScanningMode | Represents TWAIN duplex scanning mode. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageEffectsProperties | Provides image effects information for the current selected data source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageUnit | Represents Twain image unit. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainDataTransferFillOrder | Represents the TWAIN data transfer fill order. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainDataTransferProperties | Provides data transfer information for the current selected data source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainTransferOptions | Provides transfer options for the current selected data source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainMemoryDataFlags | Represents the possible values to be used in Leadtools.Twain.TwainMemoryData.Flags property. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainProperties | Provides TWAIN properties for the current selected data source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainPaperSize | Represents TWAIN paper size. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainImagePixelFlavor | Represents TWAIN image pixel flavor. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCompressionMode | Represents TWAIN compress mode. |
The following members have been added to existing classes in v15:
Type | Description |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.AcquireToImage | Acquires one image from a TWAIN source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.AcquirePageOptions | Gets or sets the paper size and paper orientation values to use when transferring images from the current TWAIN source. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainRgbResponseFlags.None | No options. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainFrame.Empty | Initializes a new Leadtools.Twain.TwainFrame object with default values. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCapabilityValue.BarcodeTypeMaxiCode | TWBT_MAXICODE |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCapabilityValue.CountryHongKong | TWCY_HONDURAS |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCapabilityValue.CountryDominicanRep | TWCY_DOMINCANREP |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainCapabilityValue.BarcodeRotationX | TWBCOR_ROTX |
LEADTOOLS For .NET Class Library uses the new .NET 2.0 generic event handler delegate module.
The following table lists the delegate types that have been removed in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
TwainTemplateEventHandler | System.EventHandler<Leadtools.Twain.TwainTemplateEventArgs > |
TwainAcquireMultiPageEventHandler | System.EventHandler<Leadtools.Twain.TwainAcquireMultiPageEventArgs > |
TwainAcquirePageEventHandler | System.EventHandler<Leadtools.Twain.TwainAcquirePageEventArgs > |
TwainSetPropertyEventHandler | System.EventHandler<Leadtools.Twain.TwainSetPropertyEventArgs > |
TwainFastConfigurationEventHandler | System.EventHandler<Leadtools.Twain.TwainFastConfigurationEventArgs > |
The following types have been removed in v.15:
Type | Description |
JpegCompressionSet | Use Leadtools.Twain.TwainJpegCompression instead. |
JpegCompressionRetrieve | Use Leadtools.Twain.TwainJpegCompression instead. |
The following types have been renamed in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
TwainSession.SetAcquireSourceName | Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.SelectSource |
TwainDataTransfer | Leadtools.Twain.TwainDataTransferProperties |
FileSystemMs | Leadtools.Twain.TwainFileSystemMessage |
TwainTransferMode | Leadtools.Twain.TwainTransferMode |
ImageEffectsFlag | Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageEffectsFlags |
TwainMemoryFlag | Leadtools.Twain.TwainMemoryDataFlags |
TwainImageEffect | Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageEffectsProperties |
TwainImageResolutio | Leadtools.Twain.TwainImageResolutionProperties |
The following members have been removed in v.15:
The following types have been changed in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainFileSystem | Changed from a structure to a class. |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainFrame | Changed from a class to a structure. |
The following members have been renamed in v.15:
The following members have been changed in v.15:
The following methods have changed into properties in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.GetProperties | Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.Properties |
Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.SetProperties | Leadtools.Twain.TwainSession.Properties |