Version 18 has not changed from Version 18.0. For more information, refer to
The following new types have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:
Type | Description |
Leadtools.Windows.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs | Provides printing data. |
Leadtools.Windows.Printing.PrinterHelper | Supports printing for images inside a Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageBox, Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageBox, Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer or Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageViewer controls. |
The following members have been added removed from existing types in LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.InteractiveModeUseClientCordinates | Obsolete functionality removed |
In LEADTOOLS v17, Leadtools.Windows.Controls.Pro is removed and its features have been merged in Leadtools.Windows.Controls. Also, the various controls have been re-designed to offer support for the latest features in Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight. Almost identical versions of the Leadtools.Windows.Controls assembly exist for both WPF and Silverlight to allow you to easily port and maintain versions of your applications on both platforms.
The following types have been updated in LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer has been re-designed.
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageViewer has been re-designed and replaces the old Leadtools.Windows.Controls.Pro.RasterImageViewer
Support for loading and saving images into the Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageViewer control directly has been removed. Instead use the standard LEADTOOLS Leadtools.Codecs.RasterCodecs to load the image or use the new Leadtools.Codecs.RasterImageTypeConverter class by setting the RasterImageViewer.Image or ImageViewer.Source properties directly in XAML.
The Leadtools.Windows.Controls.BitmapSourceViewer control has been deprecated and you should use the new Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer (or Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageViewer) controls.
The following table lists the methods and properties that have not changed between BitmapSourceViewer and ImageViewer:
Public properties | Description |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.Geometry | Gets or sets the geometry object to frame or animate on top of this Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer or Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageViewer control. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.ImageHorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment for the image in this control. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.ImageVerticalAlignment | Gets or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment for the image in this control. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.InteractiveMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates the current user interaction mode with the control's display. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.IsInteractiveModeBusy | Determines if the control is currently performing an interactive operation. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.MagnifyGlass | Gets or sets the Leadtools.Windows.Controls.MagnifyGlass object used to perform magnify glass operations for this control. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.ScaleFactor | Gets or sets the zoom factor used to display the image. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.SizeMode | Gets or sets a value that determine how the control displays the image and the automatic adjustments of the display. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.Source | Gets or sets the System.Windows.Media.ImageSource to be displayed in this control. |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.UseDpi | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control must account for the physical resolution of the image when calculating the display properties. |
Public Methods |
Description |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.CenterAtPoint(System.Windows.Point) |
Centers the image display at the specified point. |
Builds the visual tree of the control. | |
Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.ZoomToRectangle(System.Windows.Rect) | Zooms the image to the specified rectangle. |
The following table lists the properties and methods of BitmapSourceViewer and their equivalent in ImageViewer
BitmapSourceViewer Class |
ImageViewer Class |
Public Fields | |
AnimateGeometryChangedEvent | N/A |
AnimateGeometryProperty | Geometry |
BitmapEffectBehaviorProperty | BitmapEffect |
FrameBackgroundChangedEvent | N/A |
FrameBackgroundProperty | N/A |
FrameChangedEvent | N/A |
FrameGeometryChangedEvent | GeometryFrameTypeChanged |
FrameGeometryProperty | GeometryFrameType |
FrameProperty | N/A |
FrameShadowBackgroundChangedEvent | N/A |
FrameShadowBackgroundProperty | N/A |
FrameShadowChangedEvent | N/A |
FrameShadowProperty | N/A |
GeometryChangedEvent | GeometryChanged |
ImageHorizontalAlignmentChangedEvent | ImageHorizontalAlignmentChanged |
ImageSizeChangedEvent | ImageSizeChanged |
ImageVerticalAlignmentChangedEvent | ImageVerticalAlignmentChanged |
InteractiveCenterAtEvent | InteractiveCenterAt |
InteractiveGeometryEvent | N/A |
InteractiveGeometryTypeChangedEvent | N/A |
InteractiveGeometryTypeProperty | N/A |
InteractiveMagnifyGlassEvent | InteractiveMagnifyGlass |
InteractiveModeChangedEvent | InteractiveModeChanged |
InteractiveModeEndedEvent | InteractiveModeEnded |
InteractivePanEvent | InteractivePan |
InteractiveScaleEvent | InteractiveScale |
InteractiveZoomToEvent | InteractiveZoomTo |
IsInteractiveModeBusyProperty | IsInteractiveModeBusy |
MagnifyGlassChangedEvent | Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer.InteractiveMagnifyGlassInteractiveMagnifyGlass |
MagnifyGlassProperty | MagnifyGlass |
ScaleFactorChangedEvent | ScaleFactorChanged |
ScrollChangedEvent | ScrollChanged |
SizeModeChangedEvent | SizeModeChanged |
SourceChangedEvent | SourceChanged |
UseDpiChangedEvent | UseDpiChanged |
Public properties | |
AnimateGeometry | Geometry |
BitmapEffectBehavior | BitmapEffect |
Frame | N/A |
FrameBackground | Background |
FrameGeometry | Geometry |
FrameShadow | N/A |
FrameShadowBackground | N/A |
HorizontalScaleFactor | HorizontalAlignment |
InteractiveGeometryType | GeometryProperty |
PhysicalViewRectangle | PhysicalSize |
Protected Properties | |
DefaultStyleKey | N/A |
HandlesScrolling | N/A |
InheritanceBehavior | N/A |
LogicalChildren | N/A |
Public Methods | |
Equals | N/A |
GetHashCode | N/A |
Protected Methods | |
AddLogicalChild | N/A |
GetTemplateChild | Template |
GetUIParentCore | TemplatedParent |
OnAnimateGeometryChanged | OnGeometryChanged |
OnFrameBackgroundChanged | OnGeometryFrameTypeChanged |
OnFrameChanged | N/A |
OnFrameGeometryChanged | N/A |
OnFrameShadowBackgroundChanged | N/A |
OnFrameShadowChanged | N/A |
OnInteractiveGeometry | N/A |
OnInteractiveGeometryTypeChanged | N/A |
OnMagnifyGlassChanged | OnInteractiveMagnifyGlass |
OnRenderSizeChanged | N/A |
OnStyleChanged | N/A |
OnVisualChildrenChanged | N/A |
OnVisualParentChanged | N/A |
ParentLayoutInvalidated | N/A |
RemoveLogicalChild | N/A |
ShouldSerializeProperty | N/A |
Public Events | |
AnimateGeometryChanged | GeometryChanged |
FrameBackgroundChanged | N/A |
FrameChanged | N/A |
FrameGeometryChanged | GeometryChanged |
FrameShadowBackgroundChanged | N/A |
FrameShadowChanged | N/A |
InheritanceContextChanged | N/A |
InteractiveGeometry | N/A |
InteractiveGeometryTypeChanged | GeometryFrameTypeChanged |
MagnifyGlassChanged | N/A |
ResourcesChanged | N/A |
The following new types have been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:
Type | Description |
ImageBox |
Light-weight version of Leadtools.Windows.Controls.ImageViewer which is perfect for viewing WPF or Silverlight images (System.Windows.Media.ImageSource) without the scrollbars or interactive modes. |
RasterImageBox |
Light-weight version of Leadtools.Windows.Controls.RasterImageViewer which is perfect for viewing LEADTOOLS images (Leadtools.RasterImage) without the scrollbars or interactive modes. |
MagnifyGlass |
New version of the magnify glass that uses WPF/Silverlight pixels shaders for speed optimization. |
The following new members have been added to existing types in LEADTOOLS For .NET v17:
The following members have been added to existing types in v16.5: