Gets a list of the valid predefined quality factors for a LEAD Bitmap encoder.
HRESULT GetQualityFactorRange(
WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormat,
UINT uSubFormatIndex,
BOOL *pbQualityFactorRangeSupported,
INT *pnMinQualityFactor,
INT *pnMaxQualityFactor
- guidPixelFormat
- [in] The pixel format GUID that the encoder is using WICLeadEnumName.
- uSubFormatIndex
- [in] The index of the sub-format array returned by the GetSubFormats method.
- pbQualityFactorRangeSupported
- [out] Pointer that receives TRUE if a quality factor range is supported; otherwise, FALSE.
- pnMinQualityFactor
- [out] Pointer that receives the minimum quality factor value supported.
- pnMaxQualityFactor
- [out] Pointer that receives the maximum quality factor value supported.
Return Values
Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.
Use this method to get the quality factor range that is valid for a LEAD Bitmap Encoder. First call GetSubFormats to get an array of valid sub-formats for the particular LEAD bitmap encoder. When calling the GetQualityFactorRange method, pass the index of the sub-format array for the uSubFormatIndex argument.
LEAD Bitmap Encoders that have a QualityFactor property bag item use this number to specify the degree of loss in the compression process for lossy formats. Typical values of the quality factor range are 0 through 255, but this varies depending on the LEAD Bitmap Encoder. For a list of LEAD Bitmap Encoders that use a quality factor, and a list of the corresponding quality factor ranges, see Quality Factor Property Bag Item.
// ******************************************************************************************************************
// This example lists the quality factor range for one of the LEAD Png Encoder (subformat,guidPixelFormat) pairs
// that support predefined quality factors
// See the Example Requirements for help in running this sample
// MyGetSubFormatFriendlyName gets the friendly name of the subformat
CString MyGetSubFormatFriendlyName(IWICLeadBitmapEncoder *piLeadBitmapEncoder, WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormat, UINT uSubformatIndex)
CString csRet;
UINT uActual = 0;
WCHAR *pwzFriendlyName = NULL;
if (piLeadBitmapEncoder)
IWICBitmapEncoder *piBitmapEncoder = NULL;
// Get subformat friendly name
IFS(piLeadBitmapEncoder->GetSubFormatFriendlyName(guidPixelFormat, uSubformatIndex, 0, NULL, &uActual));
if (uActual > 0)
pwzFriendlyName = new WCHAR[uActual];
if (pwzFriendlyName)
IFS(piLeadBitmapEncoder->GetSubFormatFriendlyName(guidPixelFormat, uSubformatIndex, uActual, pwzFriendlyName, &uActual));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
csRet = pwzFriendlyName;
return csRet;
HRESULT IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_GetQualityFactorRange(HWND hWnd)
IWICImagingFactory *piImagingFactory = NULL;
IWICBitmapEncoder *piBitmapEncoder = NULL;
IWICLeadBitmapEncoder *piLeadBitmapEncoder = NULL;
CString csExampleName = L"IWICLeadBitmapEncoder_GetQualityFactorPredefined.htm";
CString csMsg = csExampleName + "\n\n";
GUID guidContainerFormat = GUID_ContainerFormatLeadPng;
WICPixelFormatGUID guidPixelFormat = GUID_WICPixelFormat24bppBGR;
// Create a LEAD TIFF Bitmap Encoder
IFS(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWICImagingFactory, (LPVOID*) &piImagingFactory));
IFS(piImagingFactory->CreateEncoder(guidContainerFormat, NULL, &piBitmapEncoder));
// QueryInterface on the encoder to get the IWICLeadBitmapEncoder interface
IFS(piBitmapEncoder->QueryInterface(IID_WICLeadBitmapEncoder, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&piLeadBitmapEncoder)));
// **************************************************************************
// First, get the sub formats for the LEAD Png Encoder with 24 bits per pixel
// **************************************************************************
// first call is to get number of subformats
UINT uSubFormats = 0;
WICLeadSubFormat *pSubFormats = NULL;
IFS(piLeadBitmapEncoder->GetSubFormats(guidPixelFormat, 0, NULL, &uSubFormats));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
pSubFormats = new WICLeadSubFormat[uSubFormats];
if (pSubFormats)
// second call is to get the subformats
IFS(piLeadBitmapEncoder->GetSubFormats(guidPixelFormat, uSubFormats, pSubFormats, &uSubFormats));
// **************************************************************************
// Next, get the sub format flags for the sub-formats.
// Continue this until we find a subformat that supports WICLeadFlagQualityFactor
// **************************************************************************
INT nIndex = -1;
WICLeadSubFormatFlags uFlags = WICLeadFlagNone;
for (UINT i=0; i < uSubFormats; i++)
IFS(piLeadBitmapEncoder->GetSubFormatFlags(guidPixelFormat, i, &uFlags));
if (uFlags & WICLeadFlagQualityFactor)
nIndex = i;
// **************************************************************************
// If we found a subformat that supports WICLeadFlagQualityFactor,
// * print the the friendly name for the subformat
// * print the quality factor range
// **************************************************************************
BOOL bQualityFactorRangeSupported = FALSE;
INT nMinQualityFactor = 0;
INT nMaxQualityFactor = 0;
if (nIndex >= 0)
csMsg = csMsg + L"LEAD Png Encoder sub-format: " + MyGetSubFormatFriendlyName(piLeadBitmapEncoder, guidPixelFormat, nIndex) + L"\n\n";
IFS(piLeadBitmapEncoder->GetQualityFactorRange(guidPixelFormat, nIndex, &bQualityFactorRangeSupported, &nMinQualityFactor, &nMaxQualityFactor));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bQualityFactorRangeSupported)
CString csTemp;
csTemp.Format(L"Quality Factor Range: %d to %d\n", nMinQualityFactor, nMaxQualityFactor);
csMsg = csMsg + csTemp;
MessageBox(hWnd, csMsg, csExampleName, MB_OK);
return hr;
LEAD WIC-Enabled Codecs Overview
Registering a LEAD WIC-Enabled Codec
QualityFactor property bag