WICLeadDitherType Enumerated Type

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Specifies the type of dithering to use when saving a file with an IWICLeadBitmapEncoder.


            typedef enum WICLeadDitherType{
                  WICLeadDitherNone             = 0,
                  WICLeadDitherFloydStein       = 1,
                  WICLeadDitherStucki           = 2,
                  WICLeadDitherBurkes           = 3,
                  WICLeadDitherSierra           = 4,
                  WICLeadDitherStevensonArce    = 5,
                  WICLeadDitherJarvis           = 6,
                  WICLeadDitherOrdered          = 7,
                  WICLeadDitherClustered        = 8,
            } WICLeadDitherType;


This enumeration is used with the IWICLeadBitmapEncoder::GetDitherTypes method, the IWICLeadBitmapEncoder::GetDitherTypeFriendlyName method, and the DitherType property bag item.

WICLeadDitherType Meaning
WICLeadDitherNone No dithering. Use nearest color matching.
WICLeadDitherFloydStein Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
WICLeadDitherStucki Stucki dithering.
WICLeadDitherBurkes Burkes dithering.
WICLeadDitherSierra Sierra dithering.
WICLeadDitherStevensonArce Stevenson Arce dithering.
WICLeadDitherJarvis Jarvis dithering.
WICLeadDitherOrdered Ordered dithering. This is faster but less accurate than other dithering methods.
WICLeadDitherClustered Clustered dithering.


For more information, refer to the DitherType property bag item.


LEAD WIC-Enabled Codecs Overview
Registering a LEAD WIC-Enabled Codec
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: JPEG2000 Specific Options
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: JBIG2 Specific Options
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: XPS Specific Options



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