WICLeadJb2TextFlags Enumerated Type

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Specifies whether to take no action, keep all dictionary symbols or remove unrepeated symbols from the dictionary when saving JBIG2 files with an IWICLeadBitmapEncoder.


            typedef enum WICLeadJb2TextFlags{
                  WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsNone= 0,
                  WICLeadJb2ImageFlagsUseTypicalPrediction= 0x1000,
                  WICLeadJb2TextFlagKeepAllSymbols= 0x2000,
              } WICLeadJb2TextFlags;


This enumeration is used with the Jb2_ImageFlags property bag item when saving JBIG2 files.

WICLeadJb2TextFlags Meaning
WICLeadJb2TextFlagNone No action.
WICLeadJb2TextFlagRemoveUnrepeatedSymbols Remove unrepeated symbols from the dictionary. When this flag is used those symbols in the dictionary, which do not have any match in the bitmap are removed from the text dictionary to be encoded as non-text, resulting in a smaller file size.
WICLeadJb2TextFlagKeepAllSymbols Keep all dictionary symbols.


For more information, refer to the Jb2_TextFlags property bag item.


For an example, refer to LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: JBIG2 Specific Options.


LEAD WIC-Enabled Codecs Overview
Registering a LEAD WIC-Enabled Codec
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: JPEG2000 Specific Options
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: JBIG2 Specific Options
LEAD Bitmap Encoder Property Bag: XPS Specific Options



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