With LEADTOOLS Annotations, you can create your own custom thumbs (control points). You can create custom styles for the location, rotate center and rotate gripper thumbs.
To implement a user defined thumb style, you need to create a class that implements the IAnnThumbStyle interface. Then, you need to assign your custom thumb style class to an IAnnObjectRenderersee> interface, which will then use your custom thumb style when rendering annotation objects.
The following example demonstrates how to create a custom thumbs for an annotation object. Start with the example that you created in Implementing User-Defined Objects With LEADTOOLS Annotations.
First, create a new class, derived from the base class AnnThumbStyle, and override the AddPath method:
public class AnnTriangleThumbStyle : AnnThumbStyle
protected override AnnThumbStyle Create()
return new AnnTriangleThumbStyle();
protected override void AddPath(System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path, LeadRectD rect)
if (path != null)
// Add our triangle
float left = (float)rect.Left;
float right = (float)rect.Right;
float width = (right - left) / 2;
float top = (float)rect.Top;
float bottom = (float)rect.Bottom;
path.AddLine(left, bottom, left + width, top);
path.AddLine(left + width, top, right, bottom);
path.AddLine(right, bottom, left, bottom);
Next, assign your custom thumb style class to the annotation object renderer. Replace the code after the 'Set our renderer, same as the AnnPolylineObject' comment in InitializeTriangleObject:
// Set our renderer
// Get the current polyline renderer (we need to use some of the properties we are not changing)
IAnnObjectRenderer polylineRenderer = annotations.AutomationManager.RenderingEngine.Renderers[AnnObject.PolylineObjectId];
// Create our new renderer
IAnnObjectRenderer renderer = new AnnPolylineObjectRenderer();
// Use the existing label renderer, we are not changing that
renderer.LabelRenderer = polylineRenderer.LabelRenderer;
// Now, use our new triangle thumbs:
// Change the location thumb style
AnnTriangleThumbStyle locationThumb = new AnnTriangleThumbStyle();
locationThumb.Size = LeadSizeD.Create(72 * 2, 72 * 2);
locationThumb.Stroke = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("black"), LeadLengthD.Create(1));
locationThumb.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("#7F0000FF");
renderer.LocationsThumbStyle = locationThumb;
// Change the rotate center thumb style
AnnTriangleThumbStyle rotateCenterThumb = new AnnTriangleThumbStyle();
rotateCenterThumb.Size = LeadSizeD.Create(72, 72);
rotateCenterThumb.Stroke = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("black"), LeadLengthD.Create(1));
rotateCenterThumb.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("#EFFF0000");
renderer.RotateCenterThumbStyle = rotateCenterThumb;
// Change the rotate gripper thumb style
AnnTriangleThumbStyle rotateGripperThumb = new AnnTriangleThumbStyle();
rotateGripperThumb.Size = LeadSizeD.Create(72 * 2, 72 * 2);
rotateGripperThumb.Stroke = AnnStroke.Create(AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("black"), LeadLengthD.Create(1));
rotateGripperThumb.Fill = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("#3F00FF00");
renderer.RotateGripperThumbStyle = rotateGripperThumb;
annotations.AutomationManager.RenderingEngine.Renderers[AnnTriangleObject.MyId] = renderer;