Leadtools.Wia Namespace > WiaSession Class : EnumFormats Method |
Handle to the item having its supported transfer formats enumerated. Retrieve this parameter by either calling the GetRootItem method to get the device's root item itself, or by enumerating the child items of the device through a call to EnumChildItems method.
public void EnumFormats( object item, WiaEnumFormatsFlags flags )
'Declaration Public Sub EnumFormats( _ ByVal item As Object, _ ByVal flags As WiaEnumFormatsFlags _ )
'Usage Dim instance As WiaSession Dim item As Object Dim flags As WiaEnumFormatsFlags instance.EnumFormats(item, flags)
public: void EnumFormats( Object^ item, WiaEnumFormatsFlags flags )
Handle to the item having its supported transfer formats enumerated. Retrieve this parameter by either calling the GetRootItem method to get the device's root item itself, or by enumerating the child items of the device through a call to EnumChildItems method.
This function will enumerate all of the available WIA driver transfer formats for the specified item.
Each enumerated transfer format will be sent to the user through the EnumFormatsEvent event. Add this event when enumerating the device's transfer formats. To cancel the enumeration proces, add the EnumFormatsEvent event and then set the Cancel member of the WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs to true.
For more information, refer to Managing WIA Sources.
Imports Leadtools Imports Leadtools.Codecs Imports Leadtools.Wia Public Sub EnumFormatsExample(ByVal parent As IWin32Window) If (Not WiaSession.IsAvailable(WiaVersion.Version1)) Then MessageBox.Show("WIA version 1.0 not installed.") Return End If Dim session As WiaSession = New WiaSession() session.Startup(WiaVersion.Version1) Dim res As DialogResult = session.SelectDeviceDlg(parent, WiaDeviceType.Default, WiaSelectSourceFlags.NoDefault) If res <> DialogResult.OK Then MessageBox.Show("Error selecting WIA device.") session.Shutdown() Return End If AddHandler session.EnumFormatsEvent, AddressOf session_EnumFormatsEvent Dim rootItem As Object = session.GetRootItem(Nothing) If Not rootItem Is Nothing Then session.EnumFormats(rootItem, WiaEnumFormatsFlags.None) End If RemoveHandler session.EnumFormatsEvent, AddressOf session_EnumFormatsEvent session.Shutdown() End Sub Private Sub session_EnumFormatsEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs) Dim strMsg As String = String.Empty strMsg = String.Format("WIA Formats count = {0}" & Constants.vbLf, e.FormatsCount) Console.WriteLine(strMsg) ' print out which formats were received into the console window. If e.FormatsCount > 0 Then Dim formatGuid As Guid = wiaSession.GetFormatGuid(e.Format) strMsg = String.Format("WIA Format: {0}" & Constants.vbLf & "WIA Format Transfer Mode: {1}" & Constants.vbLf & "WIA Format Guid: " & Constants.vbLf + Constants.vbLf, e.Format.ToString(), e.TransferMode.ToString(), formatGuid) Console.WriteLine(strMsg) End If End Sub
using Leadtools; using Leadtools.Codecs; using Leadtools.Wia; public void EnumFormatsExample(IWin32Window parent) { if (!WiaSession.IsAvailable(WiaVersion.Version1)) { MessageBox.Show("WIA version 1.0 not installed."); return; } WiaSession wiaSession = new WiaSession(); wiaSession.Startup(WiaVersion.Version1); DialogResult res = wiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg(parent, WiaDeviceType.Default, WiaSelectSourceFlags.NoDefault); if (res != DialogResult.OK) { MessageBox.Show("Error selecting WIA device."); wiaSession.Shutdown(); return; } wiaSession.EnumFormatsEvent += new EventHandler<WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs>(wiaSession_EnumFormatsEvent); object rootItem = wiaSession.GetRootItem(null); if (rootItem != null) { wiaSession.EnumFormats(rootItem, WiaEnumFormatsFlags.None); } wiaSession.EnumFormatsEvent -= new EventHandler<WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs>(wiaSession_EnumFormatsEvent); wiaSession.Shutdown(); } void wiaSession_EnumFormatsEvent(object sender, WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs e) { string strMsg = string.Empty; strMsg = string.Format("WIA Formats count = {0}\n", e.FormatsCount); Console.WriteLine(strMsg); // print out the received formats into the console window. if (e.FormatsCount > 0) { Guid formatGuid = WiaSession.GetFormatGuid(e.Format); strMsg = string.Format("WIA Format: {0}\nWIA Format Transfer Mode: {1}\nWIA Format Guid: \n\n", e.Format.ToString(), e.TransferMode.ToString(), formatGuid); Console.WriteLine(strMsg); } }