| Name | Description |
 | AbcQualityFactor | Gets or sets the predefined Abc QualityFactor to be used in saving file options. |
 | AutoProcess | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Save dialog should save the image in Image with the options that the user selected in the dialog. |
 | BitsPerPixel | Gets a value that indicates which bits per pixel to use. For a listing of the bits per pixel supported by each format, refer to the RasterDialogFileTypesIndex enumeration. |
 | CmpQualityFactor | Gets or sets the predefined QualityFactor to be used when saving LEAD CMP compressed files. |
 | DefaultExt | Gets or sets the default file name extension. |
 | EnableSizing | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the dialog box supports sizing. |
 | FileFormatsList | Gets or sets the list of file formats that will be supported in the dialog. |
 | FileJ2kOptions | Gets or sets JPEG 2000 Options for saving JPEG and LEAD CMW images. |
 | FileJbig2Options | Gets or sets JBIG2 Options for saving JBIG2 images. |
 | FileName | Gets or sets a string containing the name of the file to be saved. |
 | FileSubTypeIndex | Gets or sets the sub-format index to be used when initializing the Save dialog, and to obtain the index for the user-selected sub-format. |
 | FileTypeIndex | Gets or sets a RasterDialogFileTypesIndex value which indicates which format index is to be used when initializing the Save dialog, and to obtain the index for the user-selected format. |
 | Format | Gets or sets the format to be used when saving the raster image. |
 | Image | Gets or sets the Raster Image to be saved. |
 | InitialDirectory | Gets or sets the initial directory displayed by the file dialog box. |
 | InitialView | Specifies the initial view for the Save dialog |
 | Interlaced | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the image is to be saved using the GIF format with interlace. |
 | MultiPage | Gets or sets a value that indicates which kind of multipage operation to perform when saving the page. |
 | PageNumber | Gets and sets the index of the page of the Leadtools.RasterImage to be saved. |
 | Passes | Gets or sets the number of passes to make when saving progressive JPEG and LEAD CMP images. |
 | PdfProfile | Gets or sets the PDF Profile setting to be used when saving PDF files. |
 | PromptOverwrite | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether display a a warning if the user specifies a file name that already exists |
 | QualityFactor | Gets or sets the QualityFactor to be used when saving the file. |
 | ShowBitsPerPixel | Enable or disable showing bits per pixel combo box in Save Dialog. |
 | ShowFileOptionsBasicJ2kOptions | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the basic JPEG2000 options in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFileOptionsJ2kOptions | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the J2K Options button in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFileOptionsJbig2Options | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the basic JBIG2 options in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFileOptionsMultipage | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the Multipage Options drop-down list box in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFileOptionsProgressive | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the Progressive Options drop-down list box in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFileOptionsQualityFactor | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the QFactor Options in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFileOptionsStamp | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the Stamp Options in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowFormatSubType | Enable or disable showing formats sub type combo box in Save Dialog. |
 | ShowHelp | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display help button(s) in the Save dialog box as well as its sub-dialogs. |
 | ShowOptions | Determines whether the Save dialog box will display an Options button that displays the File Save Options dialog box when it is clicked. |
 | ShowPdfProfiles | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the PDF Profiles in the File Save Options dialog box. |
 | ShowQualityFactor | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the QualityFactor in the Save dialog box. |
 | StampBitsPerPixel | Gets or sets the bit depth for the stamp image. |
 | StampHeight | Gets or sets the height for the stamp image. |
 | StampWidth | Gets or sets the width for the stamp image. |
 | Title | Gets or sets the dialog box title. |
 | WithStamp | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to save the image with a stamp. |