LEADTOOLS Windows Forms (Leadtools.WinForms assembly)


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The Leadtools.WinForms namespace contains classes for creating Windows desktop applications using the LEADTOOLS for .NET Class Library. These classes extend the .NET Framework controls to provide support for using LEADTOOLS Raster Image functions in a System.Windows.Forms-based project.

For an outline and description of enumerations, classes, and delegates, click "Leadtools.WinForms" under Namespaces, below.

Leadtools.WinFormsOutline and description of enumerations, classes, and delegates.
See Also


Getting Started (Guide to Example Programs)
Summary of All Supported Image File Formats
Tutorial: Zoom In and Zoom Out
Tutorial: Using the Magnifying Glass
Tutorial: Using a PanWindow
Tutorial: Advanced Magnifying Glass
RasterImageList Appearance



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