LEADTOOLS Windows Forms (Leadtools.WinForms assembly)

RasterMagnifyGlass Class Members

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Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by RasterMagnifyGlass.

Public Constructors
RasterMagnifyGlass ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the RasterMagnifyGlass class.  
Public Properties
Border3DStyleGets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.Border3DStyle of the Magnifying Glass border.  
BorderColorGets or sets the Color of the Magnifying Glass border.  
BorderWidthGets or sets the size of the Magnifying Glass border in pixels.  
CrosshairGets or sets the type of the crosshair.  
CrosshairColorGets or sets the color of the crosshair.  
CrosshairWidthGets or sets the width of the crosshair.  
RoundRectangleEllipseSizeGets or sets the width and height of the ellipse that describes the arc of the rounded corners.  
ScaleFactorGets or sets the zoom factor used to display the magnified image.  
ShapeGets or sets the Shape of the Magnifying Glass.  
SizeGets or sets the size of the Magnifying Glass.  
ViewerGets the RasterImageViewer currently assigned for magnifying process by the control.  
Protected Methods
OnBorder3DStyleChangedRaises the Border3DStyleChanged event.  
OnBorderColorChangedRaises the BorderColorChanged event.  
OnBorderWidthChangedRaises the BorderWidthChanged event.  
OnCrosshairChangedRaises the CrosshairChanged event.  
OnCrosshairColorChangedRaises the CrosshairColorChanged event.  
OnCrosshairWidthChangedRaises the CrosshairWidthChanged event.  
OnPaintBorderOccurs when the Magnifying Glass border is redrawn.  
OnPaintCrosshairOccurs when the Magnifying Glass crosshair is redrawn.  
OnPaintImageOccurs when the Image for the Magnifying Glass is redrawn.  
OnRoundRectangleEllipseSizeChangedRaises the RoundRectangleEllipseSizeChanged event.  
OnScaleFactorChangedRaises the ScaleFactorChanged event.  
OnShapeChangedRaises the ShapeChanged event.  
OnSizeChangedRaises the SizeChanged event.  
OnViewerChangedRaises the ViewerChanged event.  
Public Events
Border3DStyleChangedOccurs when the value of the Border3DStyle property changes.  
BorderColorChangedOccurs when the value of the BorderColor property changes.  
BorderWidthChangedOccurs when the value of the BorderWidth property changes.  
CrosshairChangedOccurs when the value of the Crosshair property changes.  
CrosshairColorChangedOccurs when the value of the CrosshairColor property changes.  
CrosshairWidthChangedOccurs when the value of the CrosshairWidth property changes.  
RoundRectangleEllipseSizeChangedOccurs when the value of the RoundRectangleEllipseSize property changes.  
ScaleFactorChangedOccurs when the value of the ScaleFactor property changes.  
ShapeChangedOccurs when the value of the Shape property changes.  
SizeChangedOccurs when the value of the Size property changes.  
ViewerChangedOccurs when the value of the Viewer property changes.  
See Also


RasterMagnifyGlass Class
Leadtools.WinForms Namespace



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