LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

CurrentDesigner Property

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Gets the current working designer.
public AnnDesigner CurrentDesigner {get;}
Public ReadOnly Property CurrentDesigner As AnnDesigner
Dim instance As AnnAutomation
Dim value As AnnDesigner
value = instance.CurrentDesigner


property AnnDesigner^ CurrentDesigner {
   AnnDesigner^ get();

Property Value

The current working AnnDesigner derived object

At any given time, the AnnAutomation can have a working AnnDesigner derived object as follows:

Designer Base Class Notes
null (Nothing in Visual Basic) (Design and Run user mode) no designer is currently active.
AnnDrawDesigner (Design user mode) The AnnAutomation is currently drawing or about to draw a new object
AnnEditDesigner (Design user mode) One or more objects are currently being edited or are about to be edited
AnnRunDesigner (Run user mode) An object is currently being run or about to be run

This property allows you to hook into the current designer and change or monitor its status while it is running. For example, you can determine if CurrentDesigner is an AnnDrawDesigner derived class and subscribe to the Draw event and so forth.

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Controls
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Annotations

Private Sub AnnAutomation_CurrentDesigner(ByVal automation As AnnAutomation)
   ' subscribe to the DesignerChanged event of the automation
   AddHandler automation.CurrentDesignerChanged, AddressOf automation_CurrentDesignerChanged
End Sub
Private Sub automation_CurrentDesignerChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
   ' check if the current designer is a run designer
   Dim automation As AnnAutomation = DirectCast(sender, AnnAutomation)
   If Not automation.CurrentDesigner Is Nothing AndAlso TypeOf automation.CurrentDesigner Is AnnRunDesigner Then
      Dim runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner = DirectCast(automation.CurrentDesigner, AnnRunDesigner)
      ' subscribe to this run designer Run event
      AddHandler runDesigner.Run, AddressOf runDesigner_Run
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub runDesigner_Run(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnRunDesignerEventArgs)
   If e.OperationStatus = AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End Then
      Dim message As String = String.Format("Run object of type {0}, hyperlink = {1}", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.Object.Hyperlink)
   End If
End Sub
using Leadtools.Windows.Controls;
using Leadtools.Windows.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Demos;
using Leadtools.Help;

private void AnnAutomation_CurrentDesigner(AnnAutomation automation)
   // subscribe to the DesignerChanged event of the automation
   automation.CurrentDesignerChanged += new EventHandler(automation_CurrentDesignerChanged);
private void automation_CurrentDesignerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // check if the current designer is a run designer
   AnnAutomation automation = sender as AnnAutomation;
   if(automation.CurrentDesigner != null && automation.CurrentDesigner is AnnRunDesigner)
      AnnRunDesigner runDesigner = automation.CurrentDesigner as AnnRunDesigner;
      // subscribe to this run designer Run event
      runDesigner.Run += new EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs>(runDesigner_Run);

private void runDesigner_Run(object sender, AnnRunDesignerEventArgs e)
   if(e.OperationStatus == AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End)
      string message = string.Format("Run object of type {0}, hyperlink = {1}", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.Object.Hyperlink);
using Leadtools.Windows.Controls;
using Leadtools.Windows.Annotations;
using Leadtools.Examples;
using Leadtools.Silverlight.Demos;

private void AnnAutomation_CurrentDesigner(AnnAutomation automation)
   // subscribe to the DesignerChanged event of the automation
   automation.CurrentDesignerChanged += new EventHandler(automation_CurrentDesignerChanged);
private void automation_CurrentDesignerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // check if the current designer is a run designer
   AnnAutomation automation = sender as AnnAutomation;
   if(automation.CurrentDesigner != null && automation.CurrentDesigner is AnnRunDesigner)
      AnnRunDesigner runDesigner = automation.CurrentDesigner as AnnRunDesigner;
      // subscribe to this run designer Run event
      runDesigner.Run += new EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs>(runDesigner_Run);

private void runDesigner_Run(object sender, AnnRunDesignerEventArgs e)
   if(e.OperationStatus == AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End)
      string message = string.Format("Run object of type {0}, hyperlink = {1}", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.Object.Hyperlink);
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Controls
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Annotations
Imports Leadtools.Silverlight.Demos

Private Sub AnnAutomation_CurrentDesigner(ByVal automation As AnnAutomation)
   ' subscribe to the DesignerChanged event of the automation
   AddHandler automation.CurrentDesignerChanged, AddressOf automation_CurrentDesignerChanged
End Sub
Private Sub automation_CurrentDesignerChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
   ' check if the current designer is a run designer
   Dim automation As AnnAutomation = TryCast(sender, AnnAutomation)
   If Not automation.CurrentDesigner Is Nothing AndAlso TypeOf automation.CurrentDesigner Is AnnRunDesigner Then
      Dim runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner = TryCast(automation.CurrentDesigner, AnnRunDesigner)
      ' subscribe to this run designer Run event
      AddHandler runDesigner.Run, AddressOf runDesigner_Run
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub runDesigner_Run(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnRunDesignerEventArgs)
   If e.OperationStatus = AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End Then
      Dim message As String = String.Format("Run object of type {0}, hyperlink = {1}", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.Object.Hyperlink)
   End If
End Sub

Target Platforms

See Also


AnnAutomation Class
AnnAutomation Members



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