LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

OnImageDirtyChanged Method

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An System.EventArgs that contains the event data.
Raises the ImageDirtyChanged event.
protected virtual void OnImageDirtyChanged( 
   EventArgs e
Protected Overridable Sub OnImageDirtyChanged( _
   ByVal e As EventArgs _
Dim instance As AnnAutomation
Dim e As EventArgs


virtual void OnImageDirtyChanged( 
   EventArgs^ e


An System.EventArgs that contains the event data.

Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. The OnImageDirtyChanged method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Notes to Inheritors: When overriding OnImageDirtyChanged in a derived class, be sure to call the base class's OnImageDirtyChanged method so that registered delegates receive the event.

The ImageDirtyChanged event will be fired after the ImageDirty value changes.

The Leadtools.RasterImage in the Viewer changes after calling any of the following methods: RealizeRedaction, RestoreRedaction.

You can use this event along with the ImageDirty property to update your application user interface.


For C#/VB examples, refer to ImageDirtyChanged.


Target Platforms

See Also


AnnAutomation Class
AnnAutomation Members



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