LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

Scale Method (AnnObject)

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The ratio by which to scale the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform matrix in the x-axis direction.
The ratio by which to scale the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform matrix in the y-axis direction.
A System.Windows.Point structure that represents the center of the scale operation.
Scales the transformation matrix of this AnnObject by the specified ratios.
public virtual void Scale( 
   double sx,
   double sy,
   Point origin
Public Overridable Sub Scale( _
   ByVal sx As Double, _
   ByVal sy As Double, _
   ByVal origin As Point _
Dim instance As AnnObject
Dim sx As Double
Dim sy As Double
Dim origin As Point
instance.Scale(sx, sy, origin)


virtual void Scale( 
   double sx,
   double sy,
   Point origin


The ratio by which to scale the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform matrix in the x-axis direction.
The ratio by which to scale the System.Windows.UIElement.RenderTransform matrix in the y-axis direction.
A System.Windows.Point structure that represents the center of the scale operation.

If the object implements auto transformation (TransformMode returns .Auto), the logical coordinates of the object do not change when this method is called. Instead, the Transform matrix is updated and the effect is only applied when transforming the object to physical space (e.g. when drawing or hit-testing the object).

If the object implements point transformation (TransformMode returns .Points), the logical coordinates of the object might change when this method is called. The exact behavior depends upon the object's implementation of the GetTransformPoints and the SetTransformPoints methods.


For C#/VB examples, refer to Origin.


Target Platforms

See Also


AnnObject Class
AnnObject Members



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